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Created November 29, 2024 22:42
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API diff: Microsoft.iOS.dll


Namespace MetalPerformanceShadersGraph

Type Changed: MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraph_MPSGraphTensorShapeOps

Added methods:

public static MPSGraphTensor Slice (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor startTensor, MPSGraphTensor sizeTensor, uint squeezeMask, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Slice (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor startTensor, MPSGraphTensor endTensor, MPSGraphTensor strideTensor, uint startMask, uint endMask, uint squeezeMask, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SliceGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor inputGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor fwdInShapeTensor, MPSGraphTensor startTensor, MPSGraphTensor sizeTensor, uint squeezeMask, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SliceGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor inputGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor fwdInShapeTensor, MPSGraphTensor startTensor, MPSGraphTensor endTensor, MPSGraphTensor strideTensor, uint startMask, uint endMask, uint squeezeMask, string name);

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Modified fields:

-public const string Version = "18.2.9051";
+public const string Version = "18.2.9052";
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