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Created April 15, 2011 19:05
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from cStringIO import StringIO
import gnupg
import logging
import os
import shutil
def generate_key(gpg, first_name, last_name, domain, passphrase=None):
"Generate a key"
params = {
'Key-Type': 'DSA',
'Key-Length': 1024,
'Subkey-Type': 'ELG-E',
'Subkey-Length': 2048,
'Name-Comment': 'A test user',
'Expire-Date': 0,
params['Name-Real'] = '%s %s' % (first_name, last_name)
params['Name-Email'] = ("%s.%s@%s" % (first_name, last_name, domain)).lower()
if passphrase is None:
passphrase = ("%s%s" % (first_name[0], last_name)).lower()
params['Passphrase'] = passphrase
cmd = gpg.gen_key_input(**params)
return gpg.gen_key(cmd)
def init_logging():
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename="gpg.log",
filemode="w", format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(name)-10s %(threadName)-10s %(message)s")
def print_info(decrypted):
print('User name: %s' % decrypted.username)
print('Key id: %s' % decrypted.key_id)
print('Signature id: %s' % decrypted.signature_id)
#print('Signature timestamp: %s' % decrypted.sig_timestamp)
print('Fingerprint: %s' % decrypted.fingerprint)
def main():
if os.path.exists('keys'):
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='keys')
key = generate_key(gpg, "Andrew", "Able", "",
andrew = key.fingerprint
key = generate_key(gpg, "Barbara", "Brown", "")
barbara = key.fingerprint
#First - without signing
data = 'Top secret'
encrypted = gpg.encrypt_file(StringIO(data), barbara,
#sign=andrew, passphrase='andy',
assert encrypted.status == 'encryption ok'
# Data is in encrypted.txt. Read it in and verify/decrypt it.
data = open('encrypted.txt', 'r').read()
decrypted = gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase='bbrown', output='decrypted.txt')
#Now with signing
data = 'Top secret'
encrypted = gpg.encrypt_file(StringIO(data), barbara,
sign=andrew, passphrase='andy',
assert encrypted.status == 'encryption ok'
# Data is in encrypted.txt. Read it in and verify/decrypt it.
data = open('encrypted.txt', 'r').read()
decrypted = gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase='bbrown', output='decrypted.txt')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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