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Last active August 11, 2023 19:31
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Vasanth's Commit Style

Vasanth's Commit Style

<emoji> [issue hash] [scope:] <message in present tense>


πŸ“– Examples


πŸ”¨ change build script version

Bug Fix

πŸ› #22 fix browser window does not open
πŸ› fix build fail
πŸ› database: fix does not connect
πŸ› #44 cli: fix wrong variables while in help cmd

πŸ˜€ Emojis & their meanings

Emoji Meaning Description
πŸ”¨ Chore Updating build files, configs etc, no production code change.
πŸ› Bug fix A bug fix that affects the users, not a fix in build files or configs.
✨ New feature Totally new functionality that affects the users.
🎊 Improvement Code change that doesn't introduce a new feature, but rather improves an existing one.
πŸ“š Docs Changes to the documentation, does not include any code changes.
♻️ Refactor Refactoring of project code not configs or build scripts that doesn't change any behaviour.
πŸ’€ Code deletion Any deletion of code from the actual codebase, not scripts or config files.
πŸ§ͺ Tests Changes to test cases, no project code change.
🎨 Code formatting Only code formatting, change in fixing indentation, quotes, etc.
πŸ‘· CI/CD changes CI config changes, CI build script changes.
πŸ‘† Dependency updates Updates to dependency libraries + required code changes.
πŸš€ New release A new version of your project.
πŸ”’ Security A code change involving security of your project, improvement or vulnerability.
πŸ—ΊοΈ Internationalization A code change making the project internationally accessible, like translations to other languages.
πŸ“ Database change No code change, mostly used for database schema changes.
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