Starting from version 1.3.3, some environment variables used by launch scripts can be redefined in "environment" config files. They have shell syntax and are read by launch scripts. Their names are:
Changing settings in these files is completely optional, but can be used to better organize directories
used by LeoFS nodes and simplify upgrades. Here is highly customized example of .environment
and .config
files that
makes LeoFS store all work information and logs outside of default installation tree (/usr/local/leofs/<version>
As a result, upgrade process to newer version becomes as simple as placing leo_*.environment
files in etc
of new version, for example (for leo_manager_0
$ /usr/local/leofs/<old_version>/leo_manager_0/bin/leo_manager stop
$ cp /usr/local/leofs/<old_version>/leo_manager_0/etc/leo_manager.environment /usr/local/leofs/<new_version>/leo_manager_0/etc/
$ /usr/local/leofs/<new_version>/leo_manager_0/bin/leo_manager start
With this, users can place actual config files (like leo_manager.conf
) to directory of their choice and change them
independently of version upgrades, and the .environment
files that need to be placed into installation tree doesn't need
to be changed between versions. Also, with the correct setup no work or temporary files will be kept in the installation tree,
allowing old version to be removed cleanly.
Contents of /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_manager_0/etc/leo_manager.environment
# pick config file from fixed place
# store erlang.log.* and run_erl.log in this directory
Directories defined in RUNNER_ETC_DIR and RUNNER_LOG_DIR (in this example, /etc/leofs/leo_manager_0
) must be writable by leofs
user, also $RUNNER_LOG_DIR/sasl
) must exist:
drwxr-xr-x. 2 leofs leofs 4096 Apr 4 20:40 /etc/leofs/leo_manager_0/
drwxr-xr-x. 4 leofs leofs 4096 Apr 5 20:00 /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 leofs leofs 4096 Apr 4 20:40 /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/sasl/
In leo_manager.conf
, all options related to directories should point to external paths:
sasl.sasl_error_log = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/sasl/sasl-error.log
sasl.error_logger_mf_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/sasl
mnesia.dir = /var/local/leofs/leo_manager_0/work/mnesia/
queue_dir = /var/local/leofs/leo_manager_0/work/queue
log.erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/app
log.member_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/ring
log.ring_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/ring
erlang.crash_dump = /var/log/leofs/leo_manager_0/erl_crash.dump
For leo_storage.conf
it will be:
sasl.sasl_error_log = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/sasl/sasl-error.log
sasl.error_logger_mf_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/sasl
obj_containers.path = [/mnt/avs]
log.erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/app
log.member_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/ring
log.ring_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/ring
queue_dir = /var/local/leofs/leo_storage/work/queue
leo_ordning_reda.temp_stacked_dir = /var/local/leofs/leo_storage/work/ord_reda/
erlang.crash_dump = /var/log/leofs/leo_storage/erl_crash.dump
For leo_gateway.conf
sasl.sasl_error_log = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/sasl/sasl-error.log
sasl.error_logger_mf_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/sasl
log.erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/erlang = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/app
log.member_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/ring
log.ring_dir = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/ring
cache.cache_disc_dir_data = /var/local/leofs/leo_gateway/cache/data
cache.cache_disc_dir_journal = /var/local/leofs/leo_gateway/cache/journal
queue_dir = /var/local/leofs/leo_gateway/work/queue
erlang.crash_dump = /var/log/leofs/leo_gateway/erl_crash.dump
Of course, all these directories must exist and have correct ownership/permissions (writable by leofs
user, unless set up otherwise)
When pursuing "pure" system which keeps all the data out of installation tree, one might also decide to move SNMP agent
config and SNMP "db" directories to external paths, by setting (example for leo_manager_0
) this in leo_manager.config
snmp_conf = /etc/leofs/leo_manager_0/leo_manager_snmp
then copying /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_manager_0/snmp/snmpa_manager_0/leo_manager_snmp.config
and setting
{db_dir, "/var/local/leofs/leo_manager_0/snmp_db"},
in /etc/leofs/leo_manager_0/leo_manager_snmp.config
to make sure that absolutely no temporary files are created in
tree. It shouldn't matter otherwise since there is no need to keep contents of SNMP db
directory between upgrades. (Here, copy of leo_manager_snmp.config was made so that original config would be untouched; while it is possible to change db_dir
in original /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_manager_0/snmp/snmpa_manager_0/leo_manager_snmp.config
as well, doing so would mean that this file needs to be replaced after each upgrade, reducing benefit of only changing .environment
file after upgrade)
Please note that this configuration is just an example of how to use .environment
config features to move
all the log files and config files out of the tree so they reside at fixed paths, to simplify configuration changes
and upgrades as much as possible. The resulting upgrade process can be less safe than original one suggested at
System Maintenance, because new version changes
working mnesia and queue directories upon launch and going back to the older version might be not always possible.
Users should consider making backups of work directories (/var/local/leofs
in this example) before
launching the newer version of a node.