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Last active February 22, 2023 14:50
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Save vstefanoxx/574aa61eaf2cc91dd9c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to automatically split wide HTML tables that doesn't fit the width of the PDF page generated by WkHtmlToPdf (or equivalent). From an idea of Florin Stancu <[email protected]> and his script wkhtmltopdf.tablesplit.js, this implementation is quite different because the splitting is done vertically on a excessive wide table, while the or…
* WkHtmlToPdf table vertically-splitting hack
* Script to automatically split wide HTML tables that doesn't fit the width of the PDF page generated
* by WkHtmlToPdf (or equivalent)
* The general idea come from Florin Stancu <[email protected]> and his script wkhtmltopdf.tablesplit.js
* The implementation is quite different because the splitting is done vertically on a excessive
* wide table, while the original script was meant to split horizontally an excessive long table
* To use, you must adjust pdfPage object's contents to reflect your PDF's
* page format.
* The tables you want to be automatically splitted when the page ends must
* have the same class name as specified by the variable "verticalTableSplit_ClassName": if not set,
* all tables will be checked for split.
* Also, is possible to have a left vertical header repeating in all table slices: columns of this
* vertical header must have td elements with the same class name as specified by the variable
* "verticalTableSplit_leftHeaderClassName"
* Live demo:
* GitHub:
* Gist:
* Dependencies: jQuery.
* From original script (and some others forks and hacks) I took some variable name and, as I said,
* the original idea
* @author Stefano Vargiu <[email protected]>
* @license MIT License
* pdfPage, verticalTableSplit_ClassName, verticalTableSplit_leftHeaderClassName
* You can overwrite these parameters in the page from where you are loading this script
* (and after the point where you loaded it) so you can set pdfPage in one place and use,
* if you need it, both this script and the one that split horizontally the table
* (wkhtmltopdf.tablesplit.js on GitHub or his forks, see the disclaimer on top)
var pdfPage = {
width: 11.7,
height: 8.3,
margins: {
top: 2/25.4,
left: 2/25.4,
right: 2/25.4,
bottom: 26/25.4
// class name of the tables to automatically split: if not specified, split all tables
//var verticalTableSplit_ClassName = 'splitForPrint';
var verticalTableSplit_ClassName = '';
// class name to specify which columns are part of the vertical left header
var verticalTableSplit_leftHeaderClassName = 'leftHeader';
$(window).load(function () {
// add_columns
// Copy columns from the rows $rows to $target_table in the range of indices "from_idx" and "to_idx"
function add_columns($rows, $target_table, from_idx, to_idx) {
$rows.each(function() {
var $tr = $(this);
$target_table.find('> tbody > tr:eq('+$tr.index()+')')
$tr.find('> td.' + verticalTableSplit_leftHeaderClassName).clone()
$tr.find('td').slice(from_idx, to_idx+1).clone()
// getHeaderRange
// Calculate header columns range based on data columns indeces "from_idx" and "to_idx", taking into account that headers columns can have colspan
// attribute (while this function don't manage properly data columns with colspan attributes)
function getHeaderRange($row, from_idx, to_idx) {
var $header, $new_header_row, cols_counter, start_idx, end_idx, start_diff_colspan, end_diff_colspan, colspan, diff_col_idx, start_colspan, end_colspan;
cols_counter = 0;
start_idx = undefined;
end_idx = undefined;
start_diff_colspan = undefined;
end_diff_colspan = undefined;
// for every header, find starting and ending header columns indices
$row.find('> th, > td').each(function() {
$header = $(this);
colspan = +($header.attr('colspan') || 1);
if (start_idx == undefined) {
diff_col_idx = from_idx - cols_counter;
if (diff_col_idx >= 0 && diff_col_idx < colspan) {
start_idx = $header.index();
start_colspan = colspan;
if (diff_col_idx > 0) start_diff_colspan = diff_col_idx;
if (end_idx == undefined) {
diff_col_idx = to_idx - cols_counter;
if (diff_col_idx >= 0 && diff_col_idx < colspan) {
end_idx = $header.index();
end_colspan = colspan;
if (diff_col_idx != colspan - 1) end_diff_colspan = colspan - diff_col_idx - 1;
if (start_idx != undefined && end_idx != undefined)
return false;
cols_counter += colspan;
var is_same_idx = (start_idx == end_idx);
// return info abount the range of header columns
var obj = {
is_same_idx: is_same_idx,
start_idx: start_idx,
end_idx: (!is_same_idx ? end_idx : undefined),
start_colspan: start_colspan,
end_colspan: end_colspan,
start_diff_colspan: (start_diff_colspan || 0) + (!is_same_idx ? 0 : (end_diff_colspan || 0)),
end_diff_colspan: is_same_idx ? undefined : end_diff_colspan
return obj;
// getHeaderSliceHTML
// Create and return the headers slices HTML as specified by the ranges "first_range" (relative to the header on top of the vertical left hader)
// and "second_range" (relative to the header on top of data columns).
// If header slices are adjacent, it join them
function getHeaderSliceHTML($row, first_range, second_range) {
var ranges = [];
if (first_range != undefined)
var last_idx_first_range = (first_range.is_same_idx ? first_range.start_idx : first_range.end_idx);
// if ranges are adjacent, join them
if (last_idx_first_range == second_range.start_idx) {
// modify first range to include second range, and add only that single range
if (second_range.is_same_idx) {
if (!first_range.is_same_idx)
first_range.end_diff_colspan += second_range.start_diff_colspan - first_range.colspan;
} else {
first_range.end_idx = second_range.end_idx;
first_range.end_colspan = second_range.end_colspan;
if (!first_range.is_same_idx)
first_range.end_diff_colspan = second_range.end_diff_colspan;
if (first_range.is_same_idx)
first_range.start_diff_colspan += second_range.start_diff_colspan - first_range.colspan;
// ranges are NOT adjacent, add both of them
} else if (first_range == undefined) {
} else {
// create DOM elements from ranges
var $ret_slices = $('<div>');
var $cur_slice;
$.each(ranges, function(idx, range) {
var $cur_slice = $row.find('> th, > td').slice(range.start_idx, (range.is_same_idx ? range.start_idx : range.end_idx)+1).clone();
if (range.start_diff_colspan > 0)
$cur_slice.first().attr('colspan', range.start_colspan - range.start_diff_colspan);
if (range.end_diff_colspan > 0)
$cur_slice.last().attr('colspan', range.end_colspan - range.end_diff_colspan);
// return html code
return $ret_slices.html();
// setHeader
// set the header and footer of $target_table according to vertical left header and data columns specified (through column indeces)
function setHeader($header_rows, $footer_rows, $target_table, from_idx, to_idx, leftHeader_last_idx) {
var $row, $header_slice, data_header_range, row_type;
var leftHeader_header_range = undefined;
$.each([ $header_rows, $footer_rows ], function(idx, $rows) {
$rows.each(function() {
$row = $(this);
if (leftHeader_last_idx != undefined)
leftHeader_header_range = getHeaderRange($row, 0, leftHeader_last_idx);
data_header_range = getHeaderRange($row, from_idx, to_idx);
row_type = (idx == 0 ? 'thead' : 'tfoot');
$target_table.find('> ' + row_type + ' > tr:eq('+$row.index()+')')
getHeaderSliceHTML($row, leftHeader_header_range, data_header_range)
// get document resolution
var dpi = $('<div id="dpi"></div>')
height: '1in', width: '1in',
top: '-100%', left: '-100%',
position: 'absolute'
// separator div
var $separator_div = $('<div class="page-breaker" style="height: 10px;"></div>');
// calculate page width
var pageWidth = Math.ceil((pdfPage.width - pdfPage.margins.left - pdfPage.margins.right) * dpi);
// temporary set body's width and padding to match pdf's size
var $body = $('body');
$body.css('width', (pdfPage.width - pdfPage.margins.left - pdfPage.margins.right) + 'in');
$body.css('padding-left', pdfPage.margins.left + 'in');
$body.css('padding-right', pdfPage.margins.right + 'in');
// cycle through all tables and split them if necessary
$('table' + (verticalTableSplit_ClassName == '' ? '' : '.' + verticalTableSplit_ClassName)).each(function () {
var $collectableDiv = $('<div>');
var $origin_table = $(this);
var $rows = $origin_table.find('> tbody > tr');
var $first_row = $rows.first();
var $first_row_cols = $first_row.find('> td');
var num_cols = $first_row_cols.size();
var $header_rows = $origin_table.find('> thead > tr');
var $footer_rows = $origin_table.find('> tfoot > tr');
var x_offset = 0;
// create the template for new table slices
var $template = $origin_table.clone();
$template.find('> tbody > tr > td').remove();
$template.find('> thead > tr > th').remove();
$template.find('> tfoot > tr > td').remove();
// create first table slice
var $current_table = $template.clone();
// info abount vertical left header (if present)
var $leftHeader_last_col = $first_row.find('> td.' + verticalTableSplit_leftHeaderClassName + ':last')
// is left vertical header present?
if ($leftHeader_last_col.size() > 0) {
var leftHeader_last_idx = $leftHeader_last_col.index();
var leftHeader_right_x = $leftHeader_last_col.offset().left + $leftHeader_last_col.outerWidth();
var last_idx = leftHeader_last_idx + 1;
// left vertical header is not present
} else {
var leftHeader_last_idx = undefined;
var leftHeader_right_x = 0;
var last_idx = 0;
// for every column, check if it fits inside the page width
$first_row_cols.slice(last_idx).each(function() {
var $td = $(this);
// check if column is beyond page right margin
var td_left = $td.offset().left;
var is_overflow = (td_left + $td.outerWidth() - x_offset >= pageWidth);
// if there is no space for the new column, add header and footer to current table slice and create new table slice
if (is_overflow) {
var td_idx = $td.index();
// add header and footer to current table
setHeader($header_rows, $footer_rows, $current_table, last_idx, td_idx-1, leftHeader_last_idx);
// add to the current table all columns from the one next to previous slice to the one before the current column
add_columns($rows, $current_table, last_idx, td_idx-1);
last_idx = td_idx;
// add current table to the array of slices
x_offset += td_left - leftHeader_right_x;
// create new table slice
$current_table = $template.clone();
// END each column
// add header, footer and remaining columns to last table slice
setHeader($header_rows, $footer_rows, $current_table, last_idx, num_cols-1, leftHeader_last_idx);
add_columns($rows, $current_table, last_idx, num_cols-1);
// replace original table with new table slices
// END each table
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