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Last active December 26, 2021 23:12
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K8 Daily log


All of the actions are executed against minikube.

Use case

  • Configmap should be deployed as 1-st
  • Secret should be deployed as 2-nd
  • Docker reg secret should be deployed as 3-nd
  • DB migration job needs to be deployed as 4-th
  • Assets pre-processor job should be deployed as 5-th
  • Deployment as the last one

Original Setup

  1. Configmap
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "0"
  1. Secret
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "1"
  1. Docker reg secret
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "2"
  1. DB migration job
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "4"
  "": hook-succeeded
  1. Assets pre-processor job
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "5"
  "": hook-succeeded

Debugging technique

Run helm lint

$ helm lint .

Pre-compile template

By adding --debug and --dry-run to upgrade helm will upload templates to tiller and tiller will compile them without sending to kubernetes. Compiled templates will be returned to the client's stdout.

This is really useful to chatch basic typos in templates.

$ helm upgrade \
 --namespace feature \
 --install \
 --set version=0.102.0-feature \
 --set inline.secret.mysql_password=**** \
 --set inline.secret.redis_password=**** \
 --set inline.secret.encryption_key=**** \
 --set inline.secret.encryption_iv=**** \
 --set inline.secret.jwt_secret=**** \
 --set inline.secret.elasticsearch_password=**** \
 --set inline.config.redis_cache_ttl=150 \
 -f values.yaml \
 -f values-feature.yaml \
 feature .

Deploy release

Note: All secrets are coming from Jenkins credentials as inline params. Here we are deploying to feature environment.

Still --debug will be kept.

$ helm upgrade \
 --namespace feature \
 --install \
 --set inline.secret.mysql_password=**** \
 --set inline.secret.redis_password=**** \
 --set inline.secret.encryption_key=**** \
 --set inline.secret.encryption_iv=**** \
 --set inline.secret.jwt_secret=**** \
 --set inline.secret.elasticsearch_password=**** \
 --set inline.config.redis_cache_ttl=150 \
 -f values.yaml \
 -f values-feature.yaml \
 --debug \
 feature .

Check tiller logs

Get tiller pod

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep tiller

Get tiller pod logs

Usually I'll clean terminal buffer a moment before executing helm upgrade

$ kubectl logs tiller-deploy-c48485567-4g74s \
  --namespace kube-system \

First message to confirm that all pre-upgrade hooks are going to be executed is:

[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 executing 5 pre-upgrade hooks for feature

After that messages about hooks in correct order defined into "": "0" should start appearing into log output:

[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 deleting pre-upgrade hook backend-env for release feature due to "before-hook-creation" policy
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Starting delete for "backend-env" ConfigMap
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 building resources from manifest
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 creating 1 resource(s)
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Watching for changes to ConfigMap backend-env with timeout of 5m0s
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Add/Modify event for backend-env: ADDED

The similar output should appear for Secret resources at 2-nd and 3-th place.

Executing DB migration Job and same output should appear for assets pre-processing Job:

[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 building resources from manifest
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 creating 1 resource(s)
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Watching for changes to Job db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od with timeout of 5m0s
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Add/Modify event for db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od: ADDED
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od: Jobs active: 0, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 Add/Modify event for db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od: MODIFIED
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od: Jobs active: 1, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:45:36 Add/Modify event for db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od: MODIFIED
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:45:36 building resources from manifest

All pre-upgrade hooks are executed:

[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 hooks complete for pre-upgrade feature

Cleanup of jobs after successful completion:

[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 deleting pre-upgrade hook db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od for release feature due to "hook-succeeded" policy
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 Starting delete for "db-migration-0.102.0-feature-qjzypho9od" Job
[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 deleting pre-upgrade hook css-build-0.102.0-feature-4aw6abobwa for release feature due to "hook-succeeded" policy
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 Starting delete for "css-build-0.102.0-feature-4aw6abobwa" Job
[kube] 2019/06/16 16:45:43 building resources from updated manifest


  1. Configmap and secrets aren't created and jobs are failing as of ref to configmap
  2. Chart upgrade fails as configmap already exists

Issue 1

Configmap and secrets aren't created and jobs are failing as of ref to configmap.

In this case, probably the number from the message will not match what is expected:

[tiller] 2019/06/16 16:42:50 executing 5 pre-upgrade hooks for feature

In my case, it was 2 instead of 5.

Good to know is that helm is not validating values so everything in the templates should be double checked. Annotations are a special case as they are free-form and aren't defined by any schema against it can be validated on kubernetes side either.

I was a victim of this as I've copied/pasted wrong definition for the hook from a bad template which I've inherited from the project.

Wrong: (hooks plural which is wrong)

"": pre-upgrade

Correct: (hook not plural which is correct)

"": pre-upgrade

Issue 2

Chart upgrade fails as configmap already exists.

This is a tricky issue as pre-upgrade hooks look to create resource not to update it. At least this is behavioral conclusion I've made as no trace of this in official docs.

After some research and playing here and there I found that delete resource hook will solve the issue:

"": before-hook-creation

And it is but this drive us to another architectural pattern:


If resource from e.g. default namespace is use this will not work.

Personally, I'm following explicit approach to and keep namespaces as an independant package so this works perfectly for me.

I know that some people like to have some secrets centralized but in this case, probably for them, kubernetes custom operators will work better. Here is one good project to help a bit with operators:

Fixed setup

  1. Configmap
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "0"
  "": before-hook-creation
  1. Secret
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "1"
  "": before-hook-creation
  1. Docker reg secret
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "2"
  "": before-hook-creation
  1. DB migration job
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "4"
  "": hook-succeeded
  1. Assets pre-processor job
  "": pre-upgrade
  "": "5"
  "": hook-succeeded

Can happen due to cluster unhealty nodes, pvc/pv deletion issue ....

Simply force deletion to start re-creation:

$ kubectl delete po minio-76f7679689-hrfcv --force --grace-period=0

Note: If app is stateful probably data will be lost but as it was alrady terminating I guess it was thinked out. Good practice will be to spearate deployment charts for stateful apps

Issue Description

  • Deployment passes OK
  • Pod get stacked into creation process
  • Event with error is created
Normal   SandboxChanged          34m (x613 over 74m)     kubelet, aks-nodepool1-21619598-102  Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  4m57s (x1031 over 74m)  kubelet, aks-nodepool1-21619598-102  Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to start sandbox container for pod "frontend-7794584c5b-jx72z": Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:297: getting the final child's pid from pipe caused \"EOF\"": unknown


Unit for memory limits/requests was wrong.

    memory: 100m
    cpu: 100m
    memory: 100m
    cpu: 100m


    memory: 100Mi
    cpu: 0.1
    memory: 100Mi
    cpu: 0.1


It is easy to mix syntax for cpu and memory limits (m/Mi) so it is better to write cpu with decimal values.

Helpful links:

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