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Created January 11, 2017 16:17
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React Best Practices - Lessons learned after a couple months of using React

React Best Practices - Lessons learned after a couple months of using React

These are some things I've found helpful after doing React for a couple months. It's possible these practices are short sighted and will cause other problems, I just haven't hit those bumps in the road yet.

This list started after reading this phenomincal article on React Tips and Best Practicies.

1. Always define your propTypes. Always.

Think of propTypes as a love letter to whatever developer will work on a component after you. Your components should be as declarative as possible. React's error messaging is so clear and helpful and this will make things so much easier.

2. For any propType that isn't required, always set it in getDefaultProps

Defaults are not only helpful, this will reveals some code smells if you are passing around props that could be clarified further. If it isn't required and doesn't have a default what the hell is it?

3. Rely on ...splats over passing props explicity

Using splats ({...this.props}) when passing lots of props is so much less noisy. If your components propTypes are properly defined then there should be no mystery what it needs. Basically read the Transferring Props documentation

A note on splats, destructuring assignment & coffeescript

Destructuring assignment of objects in coffeescript gets weird and the JSX compiling seems to miss this some times. There is also no ... for objects. In place of that I've been using two patterns with lodash:

When your child components have a lot of props

render: ->
  moveStageProps = _.pick(@props, ['stage', 'searchStages', 'id'])
  <MoveStage {...moveStageProps} />

When your child components have a ton of props:

render: ->
  # Pull out the props into variables for the parent components
  { candidates, priorityOnly, groupBy, sortBy, parentName } = @props
  # Omit those same props for the childComponents
  childComponentProps = _.omit(@props, ['candidates','priorityOnly', 'groupBy', 'sortBy', 'parentName'])

4. Place derived props or state in render() rather than in getInitialState

There are many times that you need to derive some sort of variable based on a prop or state. These values, if they can be deterministally set based on a specific prop or some aspect of the state should always be placed in the render() method


getInitialState: ->
  vote: @props.cast_vote
  priority_active: @props.cast_vote == 'priority'


getInitialState: ->
  vote: @props.cast_vote
render: ->
  priority_active = == 'priority'

5. React.addons.classSet is limited and depricated. Make a <component>Classes() method in render()

popoverClasses = =>
  classes = ['popover', 'bottom']
  classes.push('is-visible') if @props.isPopoverVisible
  classes.join(' ')

  `<div className={popoverClasses()} >`
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