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Last active April 6, 2020 10:41
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build.gradle template
<#import "./shared_macros.ftl" as shared>
<#import "root://activities/common/kotlin_macros.ftl" as kt>
<#if isLibraryProject>
apply plugin: ''
<#elseif isDynamicFeature>
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''
<@kt.addKotlinPlugins />
<!-- omitted some lines for beverity -->
dependencies {
${getConfigurationName("compile")} fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
<!-- omitted some lines for beverity -->
<#if isDynamicFeature>
implementation project(':${baseFeatureName}')
<#elseif (WearprojectName?has_content) && (Mobileincluded!false) && (Wearincluded!false)>
wearApp project(':${WearprojectName}')
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