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Last active January 5, 2022 14:09
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  • Save vuthanhdatt/f33a43c1275757ac12445aba87331762 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My personal code snippet for Markdown in VSCode
// In oder to enable quickSuggestions for Markdown. Add this code to setting.json
// "[markdown]": {
// "editor.quickSuggestions": true
// },
"Markdown link": {
// : [l]ink
"prefix": ":l",
"body": [
"description": "A Markdown link"
"Markdown image": {
// : [i]mage
"prefix": ":i",
"body": [
"![${1:alt text}](${2:path/to/image})"
"description": "A Markdown image"
"Markdown table": {
// : [t]able
"prefix": ":t",
"body": [
"| ${1:Tables} | ${2:Are} | ${3:Cool} |",
"| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|",
"| ${4:col} | ${5:col}| ${6:col} |",
"| ${7:col} | ${8:col} | ${9:col} |",
"| ${10:col} | ${11:col} | ${12:col} |",
"description": "A Markdown table"
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