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gingerwizard /
Last active June 19, 2024 22:44
Approach to speed up GROUP BY on house prices

How to Speed up UK Prices GROUP BY

Credit to Vadim Punski for this approach.

Note: timing here is on a Postgres instance hosted on a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021). Not Supabase free tier.

Original query from blog:

danvy / WSL2-Net-Fix.ps1
Created September 5, 2020 21:04
Reset your WSL network connection trying to fix WSL2 media disconnected error
# Check these threads before proceeding:
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
$CmdLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CmdLine
# Restart the Host Network Service
Restart-Service -Force -Name hns
// vscode-keybindings for navigation with I/J/K/L and additional functionality with surrounding characters
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
// ALT + I/J/K/L: up/left/down/right
// ALT + SHIFT + I/J/K/L: mark text up/left/down/right
// CTRL + J/L: send cursor to start/end of line
// CTRL + ALT + J/L: send cursor to start/end of word
// CTRL + ALT + U/O: send cursor to "wordPartLeft"/"wordPartRight"
// CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + U/O: mark from cursor to "wordPartLeft"/"wordPartRight"
// CTRL + ALT + Y: got to declaration
oanhnn /
Last active March 14, 2025 20:32
Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys


I have two Github accounts: oanhnn (personal) and superman (for work). I want to use both accounts on same computer (without typing password everytime, when doing git push or pull).


Use ssh keys and define host aliases in ssh config file (each alias for an account).

How to?

  1. Generate ssh key pairs for accounts and add them to GitHub accounts.