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Created December 9, 2011 05:02
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Short Python3 Search Engine
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Short indexer and search engine, 2011 Vaughn Wood
# Written in python 3
# Assumes the collection is a newline separated file called index on the current path
# Only uses TF (so perform queries accordingly)
from functools import *
def dict_join_add_values(d, e):
"""Given two dictionaries, add the items in the second to the first.
If the same key exists in both, the associated values (integers) are added together."""
return d.update({k: e[k]+d.get(k,0) for k in e.keys()}) or d
def make_tf_list(doc, docno):
"""Create a dictionary of terms and their frequency in a given document."""
return {k: {docno: v} for k,v in reduce(dict_join_add_values, [{w: 1} for w in doc], {}).items()}
def dict_join_documents(d, e):
"""Given two dictionaries, add the items in the second to the first.
If the same key exists in both, the associated values (dicts) are unioned together."""
return d.update({k: (e[k].update(d.get(k,{})) or e[k]) for k in e.keys()}) or d
def index(docs):
"""Given a list of documents (lists of words), create a dictionary of terms to
postings (document ids and term frequencies)"""
return reduce(dict_join_documents, [make_tf_list(doc, i) for i, doc in enumerate(docs)], {})
def search(terms, index):
"""Join the postings for each term in the query, then sort them according to their score."""
return reversed(sorted(list(reduce(dict_join_add_values, [index.get(term, {}) for term in terms], {}).items()), key=lambda x: x[1]))
idx = index([d.split() for d in open("index").read().split('\n')])
while (True):
[print("%s\t%s"%(d,s)) for d, s in search(input('> ').split(), idx)]
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vwood commented Dec 9, 2011

I resent Guido's view that reduce is bad. Neither is it true that "There aren't a whole lot of associative operators." It would be nice if I could have punned the usage of + as both integer addition for dict_join_add_values and union for dict_join_documents.

As written, these are all expressions, and as such the program could fit on a single line, if:
1, Reduce was properly supported by python
2, We removed the loop (index and then search for a single query)
3, The definition of dict_join_add_values gets repeated.
4, It would be nice if methods like d.update would return the updated dictionary. I'm aware they do this to warn that it is a destructive operation (used here for efficiency) but appending ! to the names of such functions is much better.

If anyone could add IDF calculation and make it use tf.idf, I'd be grateful.

Finally, as this is a list of transforms between kinds of structures, I would love to see this done in a declarative style. Unfortunately I'm unaware of a suitable language.

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