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High-level UDP endpoints for asyncio
"""Provide high-level UDP endpoints for asyncio.
async def main():
# Create a local UDP enpoint
local = await open_local_endpoint('localhost', 8888)
# Create a remote UDP enpoint, pointing to the first one
remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address)
# The remote endpoint sends a datagram
remote.send(b'Hey Hey, My My')
# The local endpoint receives the datagram, along with the address
data, address = await local.receive()
# This prints: Got 'Hey Hey, My My' from port 8888
print(f"Got {data!r} from {address[0]} port {address[1]}")
__all__ = ['open_local_endpoint', 'open_remote_endpoint']
# Imports
import asyncio
import warnings
# Datagram protocol
class DatagramEndpointProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol):
"""Datagram protocol for the endpoint high-level interface."""
def __init__(self, endpoint):
self._endpoint = endpoint
# Protocol methods
def connection_made(self, transport):
self._endpoint._transport = transport
def connection_lost(self, exc):
assert exc is None
if self._endpoint._write_ready_future is not None:
# Datagram protocol methods
def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
self._endpoint.feed_datagram(data, addr)
def error_received(self, exc):
msg = 'Endpoint received an error: {!r}'
# Workflow control
def pause_writing(self):
assert self._endpoint._write_ready_future is None
loop = self._endpoint._transport._loop
self._endpoint._write_ready_future = loop.create_future()
def resume_writing(self):
assert self._endpoint._write_ready_future is not None
self._endpoint._write_ready_future = None
# Enpoint classes
class Endpoint:
"""High-level interface for UDP enpoints.
Can either be local or remote.
It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams.
def __init__(self, queue_size=None):
if queue_size is None:
queue_size = 0
self._queue = asyncio.Queue(queue_size)
self._closed = False
self._transport = None
self._write_ready_future = None
# Protocol callbacks
def feed_datagram(self, data, addr):
self._queue.put_nowait((data, addr))
except asyncio.QueueFull:
warnings.warn('Endpoint queue is full')
def close(self):
# Manage flag
if self._closed:
self._closed = True
# Wake up
if self._queue.empty():
self.feed_datagram(None, None)
# Close transport
if self._transport:
# User methods
def send(self, data, addr):
"""Send a datagram to the given address."""
if self._closed:
raise IOError("Enpoint is closed")
self._transport.sendto(data, addr)
async def receive(self):
"""Wait for an incoming datagram and return it with
the corresponding address.
This method is a coroutine.
if self._queue.empty() and self._closed:
raise IOError("Enpoint is closed")
data, addr = await self._queue.get()
if data is None:
raise IOError("Enpoint is closed")
return data, addr
def abort(self):
"""Close the transport immediately."""
if self._closed:
raise IOError("Enpoint is closed")
async def drain(self):
"""Drain the transport buffer below the low-water mark."""
if self._write_ready_future is not None:
await self._write_ready_future
# Properties
def address(self):
"""The endpoint address as a (host, port) tuple."""
return self._transport.get_extra_info("socket").getsockname()
def closed(self):
"""Indicates whether the endpoint is closed or not."""
return self._closed
class LocalEndpoint(Endpoint):
"""High-level interface for UDP local enpoints.
It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams.
class RemoteEndpoint(Endpoint):
"""High-level interface for UDP remote enpoints.
It is initialized with an optional queue size for the incoming datagrams.
def send(self, data):
"""Send a datagram to the remote host."""
super().send(data, None)
async def receive(self):
""" Wait for an incoming datagram from the remote host.
This method is a coroutine.
data, addr = await super().receive()
return data
# High-level coroutines
async def open_datagram_endpoint(
host, port, *, endpoint_factory=Endpoint, remote=False, **kwargs):
"""Open and return a datagram endpoint.
The default endpoint factory is the Endpoint class.
The endpoint can be made local or remote using the remote argument.
Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
endpoint = endpoint_factory()
kwargs['remote_addr' if remote else 'local_addr'] = host, port
kwargs['protocol_factory'] = lambda: DatagramEndpointProtocol(endpoint)
await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(**kwargs)
return endpoint
async def open_local_endpoint(
host='', port=0, *, queue_size=None, **kwargs):
"""Open and return a local datagram endpoint.
An optional queue size arguement can be provided.
Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`.
return await open_datagram_endpoint(
host, port, remote=False,
endpoint_factory=lambda: LocalEndpoint(queue_size),
async def open_remote_endpoint(
host, port, *, queue_size=None, **kwargs):
"""Open and return a remote datagram endpoint.
An optional queue size arguement can be provided.
Extra keyword arguments are forwarded to `loop.create_datagram_endpoint`.
return await open_datagram_endpoint(
host, port, remote=True,
endpoint_factory=lambda: RemoteEndpoint(queue_size),
# Testing
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
async def test_standard_behavior():
local = await open_local_endpoint()
remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address)
remote.send(b'Hey Hey')
data, address = await local.receive()
assert data == b'Hey Hey'
assert address == remote.address
local.send(b'My My', address)
data = await remote.receive()
assert data == b'My My'
assert local.closed
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
await asyncio.sleep(1e-3)
remote.send(b'U there?')
await asyncio.sleep(1e-3)
assert remote.closed
async def test_closed_endpoint():
local = await open_local_endpoint()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(local.receive())
assert local.closed
with pytest.raises(IOError):
await future
with pytest.raises(IOError):
await local.receive()
with pytest.raises(IOError):
await local.send(b'test', ('localhost', 8888))
with pytest.raises(IOError):
async def test_queue_size():
local = await open_local_endpoint(queue_size=1)
remote = await open_remote_endpoint(*local.address)
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
await asyncio.sleep(1e-3)
assert await local.receive() == (b'1', remote.address)
assert await local.receive() == (b'3', remote.address)
await asyncio.sleep(1e-3)
assert local.closed
assert await local.receive() == (b'4', remote.address)
assert remote.closed
async def test_flow_control():
m = n = 1024
remote = await open_remote_endpoint("", 12345)
for _ in range(m):
remote.send(b"a" * n)
await remote.drain()
for _ in range(m):
remote.send(b"a" * n)
await remote.drain()
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
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ipid commented Mar 12, 2018

Hello. I love this module and I want to use it in my own projects. Do you publish it under any kind of license?

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vxgmichel commented Apr 19, 2018

@ipid Sorry for the late reply, I don't get notifications for those gist comments. I'm glad you like it, let's say it's MIT :)

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To be compatible with other event loop implementation, we should retrieve socket via get_extra_info('socket'):

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@hongquan Fixed, thanks :)

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here's one with flow control

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vxgmichel commented Mar 6, 2020

@graingert The project looks nice indeed. What I like about it:

  • It's properly tested, integrated and packaged
  • It has a better exception handling than this gist (that simply logs the exceptions as warnings)
  • It provides a simple API

But I also have a couple of comments:

  • The flow control is kind of weird: pause/resume_writing is used to block the send method. I don't know if there a reason for that but that's not what asyncio does in general. I think the proper way to deal with flow control is to expose a drain async method that waits for resume_writing if the high-level water mark has been reached.
    EDIT: The author of asyncio-dgram acknowledges this comment here.
  • I'm not a bit fan of the bind/connect terminology since UDP is connectionless (that's why I chose the terminology of "opening local/remote endpoints" for this gist). I'm kind of nitpicking here tho :)

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PanzrZJ commented May 8, 2020

Hello, I use a elk udp log program, the code is below. How can i adapt this program with Becasue i want to adapt it using asyn.
I have tried to adapt it, but failed, maybe something wrong with the bind, i can't receive any udp data.

Thank you...

def socket_udp():
    file = r'./log/'
    with open(file, 'a+') as f:
        num = 1
        while True:

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@PanzrZJ The following example works fine for me:

import asyncio
from aioudp import open_local_endpoint

async def main(port=8514):
    endpoint = await open_local_endpoint(port=port)
    print(f"The UDP server is running on port {endpoint.address[1]}...")
    while True:
        data, (host, port) = await endpoint.receive()
        print(f"Received {len(data)} bytes from {host}:{port}")
        print(">", data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can test this script using nc:

$ echo test | nc -u -w0 localhost 8514

The server should print the following messages:

$ python
The UDP server is running on port 8514...
Received 5 bytes from
> b'test\n'

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anyio also has a UDP streaming interface that works in asyncio:

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PanzrZJ commented May 9, 2020

@PanzrZJ The following example works fine for me:

import asyncio
from aioudp import open_local_endpoint

async def main(port=8514):
    endpoint = await open_local_endpoint(port=port)
    print(f"The UDP server is running on port {endpoint.address[1]}...")
    while True:
        data, (host, port) = await endpoint.receive()
        print(f"Received {len(data)} bytes from {host}:{port}")
        print(">", data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can test this script using nc:

$ echo test | nc -u -w0 localhost 8514

The server should print the following messages:

$ python
The UDP server is running on port 8514...
Received 5 bytes from
> b'test\n'

Yes, it works.
Thank you very much!

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