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Created February 28, 2013 12:57
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Floyd-Warshall all-pairs-shortest-path algorithm in Scala.
* Returns shortest paths between all pairs using Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
* Nodes are assumed to be enumerated without any holes and enumeration
* starts from 0.
* @param nodes the set of vertices
* @param links the map of edges with costs
* @return shortest paths between all pairs, including the source and destination
def allPairsShortestPath(nodes: Set[Int], links: Map[Int, Set[Int]]): Map[Int, Map[Int, Seq[Int]]] = {
val n = nodes.size
val inf = Int.MaxValue
// Initialize distance matrix.
val ds = Array.fill[Int](n, n)(inf)
for (i <- 0 until n) ds(i)(i) = 0
for (i <- links.keys)
for (j <- links(i))
ds(i)(j) = 1
// Initialize next vertex matrix.
val ns = Array.fill[Int](n, n)(-1)
// Here goes the magic!
for (k <- 0 until n; i <- 0 until n; j <- 0 until n)
if (ds(i)(k) != inf && ds(k)(j) != inf && ds(i)(k) + ds(k)(j) < ds(i)(j)) {
ds(i)(j) = ds(i)(k) + ds(k)(j)
ns(i)(j) = k
// Helper function to carve out paths from the next vertex matrix.
def extractPath(path: ArrayBuffer[Int], i: Int, j: Int) {
if (ds(i)(j) == inf) return
val k = ns(i)(j)
if (k != -1) {
extractPath(path, i, k)
extractPath(path, k, j)
// Extract paths.
val pss = mutable.Map[Int, Map[Int, Seq[Int]]]()
for (i <- 0 until n) {
val ps = mutable.Map[Int, Seq[Int]]()
for (j <- 0 until n)
if (ds(i)(j) != inf) {
val p = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
if (i != j) {
extractPath(p, i, j)
ps(j) = p
pss(i) = ps.toMap
// Return extracted paths.
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