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Last active December 23, 2015 04:29
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Shortest minimax path algorithms.
import java.util.*;
* Implements methods to compute the shortest minimax paths in a graph.
* A minimax path is the shortest length path such that the
* maximum edge weight along a path is minimum. (See the Wikipedia <a
* href="">widest-path
* problem</a> page for details.)
* Methods basically remove links in decreasing cost order until source and
* destination nodes get disconnected. Next, it finds the shortest-path
* via BFS on the graph constituted by the remaining links prior to
* disconnection.
class Minimax {
protected final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links;
public Minimax(final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links) {
this.links = links;
protected class Link implements Comparable<Link> {
public final int src;
public final int dst;
public final int wgt;
public Link(int src, int dst, int wgt) {
this.src = src;
this.dst = dst;
this.wgt = wgt;
public int compareTo(Link o) {
if (o == null || o.wgt < wgt) return 1;
if (o.wgt > wgt) return -1;
return 0;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Link)) return false;
Link link = (Link) o;
return (src == link.src && dst == link.dst && wgt == link.wgt);
public int hashCode() {
int result = src;
result = 31 * result + dst;
result = 31 * result + wgt;
return result;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Link[%d -> %d : %d]", src, dst, wgt);
* Makes a breadth-first search using given links.
protected static void bfs(
final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links,
final boolean[] visits,
final int[] parents,
final int src) {
// Initialize visits and parents vectors.
Arrays.fill(visits, false);
visits[src] = true;
Arrays.fill(parents, -1);
// Start iterating over vertices.
final Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
final int curr = queue.poll();
for (final int next : links.get(curr).keySet())
if (!visits[next]) {
visits[next] = true;
parents[next] = curr;
* Extracts the path destined to the given node using provided parents vector.
protected static List<Integer> extractPath(final int[] parents, final int dst) {
if (parents[dst] == -1) return null;
LinkedList<Integer> path = new LinkedList<>();
for (int parent = parents[dst]; parent != -1; parent = parents[parent])
return path;
* Finds the minimax path between given pair in O(E^2).
public List<Integer> findMinimaxPath(final int src, final int dst) {
// Shortcut if the source and the destination are identical.
if (src == dst) return Lists.newArrayList(src);
// Create storage for BFS.
final int n = links.size();
final boolean[] visits = new boolean[n];
final int[] parents = new int[n];
// Check if the source and destination nodes are connected at all.
bfs(links, visits, parents, src);
if (parents[dst] == -1) return null;
List<Integer> path = extractPath(parents, dst);
// Enqueue links in decreasing cost order.
final PriorityQueue<Link> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(
n, Collections.reverseOrder());
for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++)
for (final int j : links.get(i).keySet())
pq.add(new Link(i, j, links.get(i).get(j)));
// Copy initial links to a transient link storage.
final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> transLinks = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Map<Integer, Integer> intLinks : links)
// Remove links incrementally in decreasing weight order until
// we disconnect all nodes from the source node.
for (;;) {
// Consume the next costly links in the queue.
for (;;) {
final Link link = pq.poll();
if (pq.isEmpty() || pq.peek().wgt != link.wgt) break;
// Check connectivity.
bfs(transLinks, visits, parents, src);
if (parents[dst] != -1) path = extractPath(parents, dst);
else break;
// Return the last found shortest path.
return path;
* Finds all minimax paths originating from the given source in O(E^2).
public List<Integer>[] findMinimaxPaths(final int src) {
// Create storage for BFS.
final int n = links.size();
final boolean[] visits = new boolean[n];
final int[] parents = new int[n];
// Check if there are any nodes connected to the given source node.
final List<Integer>[] paths = new List[n];
Arrays.fill(paths, null);
paths[src] = Lists.newArrayList(src);
bfs(links, visits, parents, src);
final Set<Integer> dsts = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i != src && parents[i] != -1) {
paths[i] = extractPath(parents, i);
if (dsts.isEmpty()) return paths;
// Enqueue links in decreasing cost order.
final PriorityQueue<Link> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(
n, Collections.reverseOrder());
for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++)
for (final int j : links.get(i).keySet())
pq.add(new Link(i, j, links.get(i).get(j)));
// Copy initial links to a transient link storage.
final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> transLinks = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Map<Integer, Integer> intLinks : links)
// Remove links incrementally in decreasing weight order until
// we disconnect all nodes from the source node.
while (!dsts.isEmpty()) {
// Consume the next costly links in the queue.
for (;;) {
final Link link = pq.poll();
if (pq.isEmpty() || pq.peek().wgt != link.wgt) break;
// Check connectivity for each destination node.
bfs(transLinks, visits, parents, src);
for (final Iterator<Integer> it = dsts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final int dst =;
if (parents[dst] == -1) it.remove();
else paths[dst] = extractPath(parents, dst);
// Return the last found shortest path.
return paths;
* Finds minimax paths between all pairs in O(VE^2).
public List<Integer>[][] findAllMinimaxPaths() {
// Create storage for BFS.
final int n = links.size();
final boolean[] visits = new boolean[n];
final int[] parents = new int[n];
// Check if there are any connected nodes.
final List<Integer>[][] paths = new List[n][n];
for (final List<Integer>[] path : paths) Arrays.fill(path, null);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) paths[i][i] = Lists.newArrayList(i);
int nConns = 0;
final List<Set<Integer>> dsts = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Set<Integer> intDsts = new HashSet<>();
bfs(links, visits, parents, i);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (j != i && parents[j] != -1) {
paths[i][j] = extractPath(parents, j);
if (nConns == 0) return paths;
// Enqueue links in decreasing cost order.
final PriorityQueue<Link> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(
n, Collections.reverseOrder());
for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++)
for (final int j : links.get(i).keySet())
pq.add(new Link(i, j, links.get(i).get(j)));
// Copy initial links to a transient link storage.
final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> transLinks = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Map<Integer, Integer> intLinks : links)
// Remove links incrementally in decreasing weight order until
// we disconnect all nodes from the source node.
while (nConns > 0) {
// Consume the next costly links in the queue.
for (;;) {
final Link link = pq.poll();
if (pq.isEmpty() || pq.peek().wgt != link.wgt) break;
// Check connectivity for each pair.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bfs(transLinks, visits, parents, i);
for (final Iterator<Integer> it = dsts.get(i).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final int j =;
if (parents[j] == -1) {
else paths[i][j] = extractPath(parents, j);
// Return the last found shortest path.
return paths;
import java.util.*;
class MinimaxFloydWarshall {
protected final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links;
public MinimaxFloydWarshall(final List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links) {
this.links = links;
* Finds all-pairs-shortest-paths in O(V^3) using Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
public List<Integer>[][] findAllPairsShortestPaths() {
final int n = links.size();
final int inf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Initialize distance matrix.
final int[][] ds = new int[n][n];
for (int[] d : ds) Arrays.fill(d, inf);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ds[i][i] = 0;
for (final int j : links.get(i).keySet())
ds[i][j] = links.get(i).get(j);
// Initialize next vertex matrix.
final int[][] ns = new int[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
ns[i][j] = -1;
// Here goes the magic!
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (ds[i][k] != inf && ds[k][j] != inf) {
final int d = ds[i][k] + ds[k][j];
if (d < ds[i][j]) {
ds[i][j] = d;
ns[i][j] = k;
// Helper class to carve out paths from the next vertex matrix.
final class PathExtractor {
private void extract(final List<Integer> path, int i, int j) {
if (ds[i][j] == inf) return;
final int k = ns[i][j];
if (k != -1) {
extract(path, i, k);
extract(path, k, j);
final PathExtractor pathExtractor = new PathExtractor();
// Extract paths.
final List<Integer>[][] ps = new List[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (ds[i][j] == inf)
ps[i][j] = null;
else {
ps[i][j] = new ArrayList<>();
if (i != j) {
pathExtractor.extract(ps[i][j], i, j);
return ps;
* Finds all-pairs minimax paths using Floyd-Warshall.
* A minimax path is the shortest length path such that the
* maximum edge weight along a path is minimum.
* <strong>Note that this algorithm produces paths with redundant
* loops, hence needs to be fixed.</strong>
public List<Integer>[][] findAllPairsMinimaxPaths() {
final int n = links.size();
final int inf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Initialize path weight and length matrices.
final int[][] ws = new int[n][n];
final int[][] ls = new int[n][n];
for (int[] w : ws) Arrays.fill(w, inf);
for (int[] l : ls) Arrays.fill(l, inf);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ws[i][i] = 0;
ls[i][i] = 0;
for (final int j : links.get(i).keySet()) {
ws[i][j] = links.get(i).get(j);
ls[i][j] = 1;
// Initialize next vertex matrix.
final int[][] ns = new int[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
ns[i][j] = -1;
// Here goes the magic!
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (ws[i][k] != inf && ws[k][j] != inf) {
final int w = Math.max(ws[i][k], ws[k][j]);
final int l = ls[i][k] + ls[k][j];
if (w < ws[i][j] || (w == ws[i][j] && l < ls[i][j])) {
ws[i][j] = w;
ls[i][j] = l;
ns[i][j] = k;
// Helper class to carve out paths from the next vertex matrix.
final class PathExtractor {
private void extract(final List<Integer> path, int i, int j) {
if (ws[i][j] == inf) return;
final int k = ns[i][j];
if (k != -1) {
extract(path, i, k);
extract(path, k, j);
final PathExtractor pathExtractor = new PathExtractor();
// Extract paths.
final List<Integer>[][] ps = new List[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (ws[i][j] == inf)
ps[i][j] = null;
else {
ps[i][j] = new ArrayList<>();
if (i != j) {
pathExtractor.extract(ps[i][j], i, j);
return ps;
* Test method that reproduces minimax paths with loops.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Initialize links.
final int n = 119;
List<Map<Integer, Integer>> links = new ArrayList<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
links.add(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
links.get(0).put(46, 1);
links.get(0).put(45, 1);
links.get(1).put(51, 1);
links.get(1).put(50, 1);
links.get(1).put(49, 1);
links.get(1).put(48, 1);
links.get(1).put(47, 1);
links.get(2).put(53, 1);
links.get(2).put(52, 1);
links.get(3).put(55, 1);
links.get(3).put(54, 1);
links.get(3).put(56, 1);
links.get(4).put(58, 1);
links.get(4).put(57, 1);
links.get(5).put(59, 1);
links.get(5).put(61, 1);
links.get(5).put(60, 1);
links.get(6).put(63, 1);
links.get(6).put(62, 1);
links.get(7).put(64, 1);
links.get(7).put(65, 1);
links.get(9).put(66, 1);
links.get(9).put(67, 1);
links.get(10).put(68, 1);
links.get(11).put(69, 1);
links.get(12).put(70, 1);
links.get(13).put(71, 1);
links.get(13).put(72, 1);
links.get(13).put(73, 1);
links.get(14).put(74, 1);
links.get(15).put(75, 1);
links.get(16).put(76, 1);
links.get(16).put(77, 1);
links.get(17).put(78, 1);
links.get(18).put(79, 1);
links.get(19).put(81, 1);
links.get(19).put(80, 1);
links.get(20).put(83, 1);
links.get(20).put(82, 1);
links.get(21).put(85, 1);
links.get(21).put(84, 1);
links.get(21).put(86, 1);
links.get(22).put(87, 1);
links.get(22).put(88, 1);
links.get(23).put(89, 1);
links.get(23).put(90, 1);
links.get(24).put(91, 1);
links.get(25).put(93, 1);
links.get(25).put(92, 1);
links.get(26).put(94, 1);
links.get(28).put(96, 1);
links.get(28).put(97, 1);
links.get(28).put(95, 1);
links.get(30).put(98, 1);
links.get(31).put(99, 1);
links.get(32).put(100, 1);
links.get(32).put(101, 1);
links.get(33).put(102, 1);
links.get(33).put(103, 1);
links.get(33).put(104, 1);
links.get(35).put(106, 1);
links.get(35).put(105, 1);
links.get(36).put(108, 1);
links.get(36).put(109, 1);
links.get(36).put(107, 1);
links.get(38).put(110, 1);
links.get(39).put(112, 1);
links.get(39).put(111, 1);
links.get(40).put(114, 1);
links.get(40).put(113, 1);
links.get(41).put(115, 1);
links.get(42).put(117, 1);
links.get(42).put(116, 1);
links.get(44).put(118, 1);
links.get(45).put(0, 1);
links.get(45).put(47, 11);
links.get(46).put(0, 1);
links.get(46).put(95, 13);
links.get(47).put(1, 1);
links.get(47).put(45, 11);
links.get(48).put(1, 1);
links.get(48).put(64, 11);
links.get(49).put(1, 1);
links.get(49).put(100, 1);
links.get(50).put(1, 1);
links.get(51).put(1, 1);
links.get(51).put(62, 11);
links.get(52).put(2, 1);
links.get(52).put(66, 11);
links.get(53).put(2, 1);
links.get(53).put(54, 14);
links.get(54).put(3, 1);
links.get(54).put(53, 6);
links.get(55).put(101, 1);
links.get(55).put(3, 1);
links.get(56).put(3, 1);
links.get(56).put(96, 8);
links.get(57).put(4, 1);
links.get(57).put(65, 11);
links.get(58).put(4, 1);
links.get(58).put(59, 6);
links.get(59).put(5, 1);
links.get(59).put(58, 11);
links.get(60).put(68, 11);
links.get(60).put(5, 1);
links.get(61).put(69, 29);
links.get(61).put(5, 1);
links.get(62).put(51, 11);
links.get(62).put(6, 1);
links.get(63).put(6, 1);
links.get(63).put(107, 1);
links.get(64).put(48, 11);
links.get(64).put(7, 1);
links.get(65).put(7, 1);
links.get(65).put(57, 11);
links.get(66).put(52, 11);
links.get(66).put(9, 1);
links.get(67).put(97, 28);
links.get(67).put(9, 1);
links.get(68).put(10, 1);
links.get(68).put(60, 11);
links.get(69).put(11, 1);
links.get(69).put(61, 29);
links.get(70).put(76, 11);
links.get(70).put(12, 1);
links.get(71).put(102, 1);
links.get(71).put(13, 1);
links.get(72).put(98, 1);
links.get(72).put(13, 1);
links.get(73).put(13, 1);
links.get(73).put(74, 11);
links.get(74).put(73, 11);
links.get(74).put(14, 1);
links.get(75).put(79, 11);
links.get(75).put(15, 1);
links.get(76).put(16, 1);
links.get(76).put(70, 11);
links.get(77).put(16, 1);
links.get(77).put(92, 23);
links.get(78).put(17, 1);
links.get(78).put(82, 23);
links.get(79).put(18, 1);
links.get(79).put(75, 11);
links.get(80).put(19, 1);
links.get(80).put(83, 23);
links.get(81).put(87, 23);
links.get(81).put(19, 1);
links.get(82).put(20, 1);
links.get(82).put(78, 11);
links.get(83).put(80, 11);
links.get(83).put(20, 1);
links.get(84).put(21, 1);
links.get(84).put(88, 23);
links.get(85).put(21, 1);
links.get(85).put(91, 11);
links.get(86).put(21, 1);
links.get(86).put(89, 11);
links.get(87).put(81, 11);
links.get(87).put(22, 1);
links.get(88).put(84, 11);
links.get(88).put(22, 1);
links.get(89).put(86, 11);
links.get(89).put(23, 1);
links.get(90).put(23, 1);
links.get(90).put(94, 11);
links.get(91).put(85, 11);
links.get(91).put(24, 1);
links.get(92).put(25, 1);
links.get(92).put(77, 11);
links.get(93).put(103, 1);
links.get(93).put(25, 1);
links.get(94).put(26, 1);
links.get(94).put(90, 11);
links.get(95).put(46, 6);
links.get(95).put(28, 1);
links.get(96).put(56, 16);
links.get(96).put(28, 1);
links.get(97).put(67, 6);
links.get(97).put(28, 1);
links.get(98).put(72, 1);
links.get(98).put(30, 1);
links.get(99).put(113, 1);
links.get(99).put(31, 1);
links.get(100).put(49, 1);
links.get(100).put(32, 1);
links.get(101).put(32, 1);
links.get(101).put(55, 1);
links.get(102).put(71, 1);
links.get(102).put(33, 1);
links.get(103).put(33, 1);
links.get(103).put(93, 1);
links.get(104).put(33, 1);
links.get(105).put(50, 1);
links.get(105).put(35, 1);
links.get(106).put(35, 1);
links.get(106).put(110, 1);
links.get(107).put(36, 1);
links.get(107).put(63, 1);
links.get(108).put(36, 1);
links.get(108).put(111, 1);
links.get(109).put(114, 1);
links.get(109).put(36, 1);
links.get(110).put(38, 1);
links.get(110).put(106, 1);
links.get(111).put(39, 1);
links.get(111).put(108, 1);
links.get(112).put(117, 1);
links.get(112).put(39, 1);
links.get(113).put(99, 1);
links.get(113).put(40, 1);
links.get(114).put(40, 1);
links.get(114).put(109, 1);
links.get(115).put(116, 1);
links.get(115).put(41, 1);
links.get(116).put(115, 1);
links.get(116).put(42, 1);
links.get(117).put(112, 1);
links.get(117).put(42, 1);
links.get(118).put(104, 1);
links.get(118).put(44, 1);
// Check the graph.
MinimaxFloydWarshall mfw = new MinimaxFloydWarshall(links);
List<Integer>[][] paths = mfw.findAllPairsMinimaxPaths();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (paths[i][j] != null) {
HashSet<Integer> nodes = new HashSet<>(paths[i][j]);
if (paths[i][j].size() != nodes.size()) {
System.out.println("loop: " + paths[i][j]);
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