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Created January 15, 2018 17:00
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;; The cache is a perfect hash table represented as a vector containing
;; cache entries. A cache entry is an inverted arg type id improper list
;; terminating to the the method procedure.
;; This allows for lock-free allocation-free recursive lookup
;; and reasonably fast dispatch
(def (generic-cache-lookup cache args)
(def (lookup hash rest)
(match rest
([arg . rest]
(let* ((tid (generic-type-id arg))
(hash (##fxxor hash (##symbol-hash tid))))
(match (lookup hash rest)
([xtid . xrest]
(and (##eq? tid xtid)
(else #f))))
(let* ((len (##vector-length cache))
(ix (##fxmodulo hash len)))
(##vector-ref cache ix)))))
(let (proc (lookup 0 args))
(and (##procedure? proc) proc)))
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