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Created August 2, 2017 08:22
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Custom command for daily and weekly tasks for Vapor 2
import FluentProvider
extension Config {
public func setup() throws {
// ...
addConfigurable(command: DailyCommand.init, name: "daily")
// ...
import Vapor
import Console
import FluentProvider
final class DailyCommand: Command, ConfigInitializable {
var console: ConsoleProtocol
let id = "daily"
let driver: Driver
let log: LogProtocol
required init(config: Config) throws {
console = try config.resolveConsole()
driver = try config.resolveDriver()
log = try config.resolveLog()
func run(arguments: [String]) throws {"Doing daily tasks...")
do {
let newPost = Post(content: "Haha this is a spam post")
try Post.makeQuery(driver).save(newPost)
guard let weekDay = getWeekday() else {
log.warning("Failed to get current weekday!")
// 0: Sunday
if weekDay == 0 {"Doing weekly tasks...")
try Post.makeQuery(driver).delete()
} else {"Skipping weekly tasks...")
catch {
private func getWeekday() -> Int? {
var rawTime = time(nil)
guard let timeInfo = localtime(&rawTime) else {
return nil
return Int(timeInfo.pointee.tm_wday)
"...": "...",
"//": "Choose which commands this application can run",
"//": "prepare: Supplied by the Fluent provider. Prepares the database (configure in fluent.json)",
"commands": [
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