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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Draw borders with linear gradients, supports width of 0.5px for retina screens
// This mixin is used to ease workaround explained in this article
// Creates linear gradient for specified border
@function border-gradient($side, $color: currentColor, $width: 0.5px) {
@if $side == top {
@return linear-gradient(180deg, $color, $color 50%, transparent 50%) top left / 100% #{$width * 2} no-repeat;
} @else if $side == bottom {
@return linear-gradient(0, $color, $color 50%, transparent 50%) bottom right / 100% #{$width * 2} no-repeat;
} @else if $side == left {
@return linear-gradient(-90deg, $color, $color 50%, transparent 50%) bottom left / #{$width * 2} 100% no-repeat;
} @else if $side == right {
@return linear-gradient(90deg, $color, $color 50%, transparent 50%) top right / #{$width * 2} 100% no-repeat;
// Includes background definition for borders
@mixin background-borders($sides, $color: currentColor, $width: 0.5px) {
$result: ();
@each $side in $sides {
$result: append($result, unquote(border-gradient($side, $color, $width)), comma);
background: $result;
// Usage
div {
@include background-borders(top bottom, red)
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