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Graphite log simple parser for enhancing functions' calls and its' arguments from nginx log.
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Graphite log simple parser.
# It parse functions and its arguments using python ast-tree.
# For each log line like:
# {
# [23/Jul/2015:15:44:11 +0100]
# "GET /render?from=-4hours&noCache=True&hideLegend=False
# &height=400&width=500&until=-&title=My%20Graphic
# &target=cactiStyle(aliasByNode(
# &yMax=400&_uniq=bb9b7ee2db0c13e3 HTTP/1.1"
# 200 1074 ""
# "MyUserAgent" 0.048 0.048 "
# }
# It builds summary like:
# {
# CASE = ["cactiStyle(aliasByNode('***', 1))"];
# PARAMS = «{'from': ['-4hours'], 'until': ['-']}»;
# <0> ~ CALL (0) = «aliasByNode('***', 1)»;
# <0> ~ CALL (1) = «cactiStyle(aliasByNode('***', 1))»;
# }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import logging
import re
import ast
import urlparse
DEFAULT_LOG_NAME = './access.log'
# 'alias', # name
# 'color', # visual representation
# 'dashed' # visual representation
def main(argc, argv):
Open nginx log with graphite requests
and prints it representation in terms of
graphite-functions' calls and GET-parameters.
if argc > 1:
log_name = argv[1]
log_stream = open(log_name)
while True:
case_stack, param_dict = next(get_input_generator(log_stream), None)
if not case_stack:
string = repr_case(case_stack, param_dict)
def repr_case(case_stack, param_dict):
Returns representation of a function call and GET-parameters
for current log line. Also it returns representation of
stack of arguments with functions' calls.
:param case_stack: tuple(str, list)
a call stack (with initial function call)
for current log line (tuple(str, list))
:param param_dict: dict
a dictionary of GET-parameters (dict).
:returns: str
representation of current log line in terms of
graphite-functions' calls and GET-parameters.
string = str()
case_list = sorted([case for case, _ in case_stack])
case_repr = "CASE = %s; PARAMS = «%s»;\n" % (case_list, param_dict)
string += case_repr
for case_num, (_, call_stack) in enumerate(list(case_stack)):
for call_depth, call in enumerate(call_stack):
call_repr = "<%s> ~ CALL (%s) = «%s»;\n" % (case_num, call_depth, call)
string += call_repr
return string
def get_input_generator(stream):
Returns generator for a function call, it's stack
of functions arguments and GET-parameters for certain log line.
:param stream: a file opened for read
opened log file or stream
:yields tuple(tuple(str, list), dict)
* a call stack (with initial function call)
for current log line (tuple(str, list))
* and a dictionary of GET-parameters (dict).
for log_line in stream:
if has_param(log_line):
param_string = get_request_line(log_line)
param_dict = get_param_dict(param_string)
target_list, param_dict = get_target_list(param_dict)
case_stack = handle_target_list(target_list)
yield case_stack, param_dict
def has_param(line, param_marker='/render?'):
Check if it is normal graphite input in nginx.
:param line: str
line from nginx log.
:param param_marker: str
substring that should be a in line from nginx log.
:returns: bool
has parameters or not.
if param_marker in line:
return True
return False
def get_request_line(line, start_marker='/render?', stop_marker='HTTP/1.1'):
Singles out string of GET-parameters form nginx-line.
:param line: string
line from nginx log.
:param start_marker: string
substring of nginx-line after what string of parameters starts.
:param stop_marker: string
substring of nginx-line before what string of parameters starts.
:returns: string
string of GET-parameters.
_, _, rest = line.partition(start_marker)
param_string, _, _ = rest.partition(stop_marker)
return param_string
def get_param_dict(param_string):
Creates parameters dict from string of GET-parameters and filter it.
:param param_string: string
string of GET-parameters.
:returns: dict
dictionary of filtered GET-parameters.
param_dict = urlparse.parse_qs(param_string)
filtered_param_dict = filter_param_dict(param_dict)
return filtered_param_dict
def filter_param_dict(param_dict, waste_param_list=WASTE_PARAM_LIST):
Delete unnecessary parameters from target dictionary of GET-parameters.
:param param_dict: dict
dictionary of GET-parameters.
:param waste_param_list: list
list of parameters, that should be deleted from target dictionary.
:returns: dict
dictionary of filtered GET-parameters.
for bad_param in waste_param_list:
if param_dict.get(bad_param):
del param_dict[bad_param]
return param_dict
def get_target_list(param_dict, target_key='target'):
Returns the list of parameters that contains graphite-formulas
and metrics.
:param param_dict: dict
dictionary of GET-parameters.
:param target_key: sting
name of key with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: tuple(list, dict)
tuple of:
* list of string with parameters that
contains graphite-formulas and metrics;
* dict of GET-parameters without formulas and metrics
target_list = param_dict.get(target_key, [])
if target_list:
return (target_list, param_dict)
def handle_target_list(target_list):
Handle each parameter with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:param target_list: list
list of parameters with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: tuple(tuple(str, list), …)
a tuple of tuples as results of `handle_target`.
Results of `handle_target`:
* a initial function call aka «case of use» (str)
* and a stack of functions' calls (list).
result = (handle_target(target) for target in target_list)
return tuple(result)
def handle_target(target_string):
Parse target string and represent it as stack of function calls.
:param target_string: str
string with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
a tuple of:
* a initial function call aka «case of use» (str)
* and a stack of functions' calls (list).
escaped_target_string = escape_metrics(target_string)
case, call_stack = explode(escaped_target_string)
return (case, call_stack)
def escape_metrics(target_string):
Replace special symbols in target string.
:param target_string: string
one item parameter with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: string
string where all special symbols replaced to `_`.
assert isinstance(target_string, str)
target_string = re.sub(
target_string = re.sub(
return target_string
def get_metrics_symbol(symbol=METRICS_SYMBOL):
Returns a symbol in which we change metrics' names.
Wraps it in quotes.
:param symbol: str
a symbol in what we change metrics' names.
:returns: str
quoted symbol in which we change metrics' names.
if isinstance(symbol, unicode):
return u"'%s'" % (symbol)
return "'%s'" % (symbol)
def explode(string):
Explodes escaped target string to a stack
of strings with call of all functions.
This stack respresented as a list.
It works with `escaped_target_string` as python code,
and builds python-ast tree for it.
:param string: str
escaped target string with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a initial function call (str)
* and a stack of functions' calls (list).
parsed_ast = ast.parse(string)
initial_call, call_stack = repr_ast(parsed_ast)
return initial_call, call_stack
def repr_ast(tree):
Walks into python-ast tree and build a stack of functions' calls.
:param tree: _ast.Module
escaped target string with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a initial function call (str)
* and a stack of functions' calls (list).
call_stack = []
for expr in tree.body:
initial_call, call_stack = repr_node(expr.value, call_stack)
return initial_call, call_stack
def repr_node(node, call_stack):
Check type of current node of ast-tree
and apply appropriate handler.
It uses indirect recursion due to `repr_call`.
:param node: ast.Node
escaped target string with graphite-formulas and metrics.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a current node representation (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
if isinstance(node, ast.Call):
return repr_call(node, call_stack)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Num):
return repr_num(node, call_stack)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
return repr_str(node, call_stack)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
return repr_attribute(node, call_stack)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return repr_name(node, call_stack)
return "'unknown'", call_stack
def repr_call(call, call_stack):
Returns representation of current function call.
It uses indirect recursion due to `repr_node`:
applies `repr_node` for all arguments of call-node.
Also it adds current function call to call_stack.
:param call: ast.Call
an ast-object of certain function call.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a representation of current function call (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
func_name =
arg_list = call.args
arg_repr = (repr_node(arg, call_stack)[0] for arg in arg_list)
call_string = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, ', '.join(arg_repr))
call_stack = add_to_stack(func_name, call_string, call_stack)
return call_string, call_stack
def add_to_stack(func_name, call_string, call_stack, waste_func_list=WASTE_FUNC_LIST):
Adds current function call to call_stack
if name of current function is not in the list of «waste» functions.
:param func_name: str
current function name.
:param call_string: str
a string representation of current function call.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:param waste_func_list: list
a list of excluded funtions' names
:returns: list
a new stack state (list).
if func_name not in waste_func_list:
call_stack += [call_string]
return call_stack
def repr_num(num, call_stack):
Returns representation of current number node.
:param num: ast.Num
a current number node.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a string representation of number node (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
return str(num.n), call_stack
def repr_str(string, call_stack):
Returns quoted representation of current string node.
:param num: ast.Str
a current string node.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a string representation of string node (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
return "'%s'" % string.s, call_stack
def repr_attribute(_, call_stack):
Returns a special symbol in which we change metrics' names.
:param _: ast.Attribute
a current attribute node.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a special «metrics'» symbol (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
return get_metrics_symbol(), call_stack
def repr_name(_, call_stack):
Returns a special symbol in which we change metrics' names.
:param _: ast.Name
a current attribute node.
:param call_stack: list
a stack of functions' calls.
:returns: tuple(str, list)
A tuple of:
* a special «metrics'» symbol (str)
* and a new stack state (list).
return get_metrics_symbol(), call_stack
def debug(*args, **kwargs):
Wrappers logging for debug.
return logging.warn(*args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
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