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Created July 24, 2013 16:42
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Code for finding the totient function of a number.
Euler Challenge #70
Euler's Totient function, φ(n) [sometimes called the phi function], is used to determine the number of positive numbers less than or equal to n which are relatively prime to n. For example, as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, are all less than nine and relatively prime to nine, φ(9)=6.
The number 1 is considered to be relatively prime to every positive number, so φ(1)=1.
Interestingly, φ(87109)=79180, and it can be seen that 87109 is a permutation of 79180.
Find the value of n, 1 < n < 10^7, for which φ(n) is a permutation of n and the ratio n/φ(n) produces a minimum.
extern mod extra;
use std::float::{sqrt,ceil};
use extra::sort;
use std::uint::{range,range_step};
use std::vec::from_fn;
// based on vec::each_permutation
// I'm not sure what the return value of vec::each_permutation is; it seems to always return true?
// Here, return value is "ran to completion"
fn each_combination<T: Copy>(l: &[T], n: uint, fun: &fn(combo: &[T]) -> bool) -> bool {
//let x : ~[uint] = copy l;
//let longl : ~[~[uint]] = ~[x];
if(n == 0){
return fun([]);
if(l.len() < n){return true;}
if(l.len() == n){
return fun(l);
let sl = l.slice(1, l.len());
do each_combination(sl, n-1) |sub_combo| {
let grown : ~[T] = do from_fn(n) |i| {
match i {
0 => copy l[0],
_ => copy sub_combo[i-1]
if !each_combination(sl, n, fun){
// finished early
return false;
// Find all subsets of a set
fn subsets<T: Copy>(l: &[T], fun: &fn(combo: &[T]) -> bool) -> bool {
do range(0,1+l.len()) |n| {
do each_combination(l, n) |sub_combo| {
// Find the first factor (other than 1) of a number
fn firstfac(x: uint) -> uint {
let m = ceil(sqrt(x as float) as f64) as uint;
if (x % 2 == 0){return 2;};
for range_step(3,m+1,2) |n| {
if (x % n == 0){return n;};
return x;
// Find all prime factors of a number
fn factors(x: uint) -> ~[uint] {
let mut lst : ~[uint] = ~[];
let mut curn = x;
loop {
let m = firstfac(curn);
lst = lst + [m];
if(m == curn){break}
else{curn /= m};
return lst
// Find all unique prime factors of a number
fn factors1(x: uint) -> ~[uint] {
let mut lst : ~[uint] = ~[];
let mut curn = x;
loop {
let m = firstfac(curn);
lst = lst + [m];
if(curn == m){break;}
while(curn % m == 0){curn /= m;}
if(curn == 1){break;}
return lst
fn totient(n: uint) -> uint {
if(n==1){return 1};
let facs = factors1(n);
//~ println(fmt!("totient(%?): facs %?",n,facs));
let mut T = n;
for subsets(facs) |clist| {
if(clist.len() == 0) {loop};
//~ if(clist.len() == facs.len()) {loop};
let fullfac = do std::iter::product |f| { clist.iter().advance(f) };
let count = n / fullfac;
//~ println(fmt!("totient(%?): facs %? clist %?, T %?, count %?",n,facs,clist,T,count));
match (clist.len() % 2) {
0 => T += count,
_ => T -= count
fn sorted_str(s: &str) -> ~str {
let mut sl : ~[u8] = from_fn(s.len(), |i| s[i]);
return std::str::from_bytes(sl);
fn are_permutations(n: uint, m: uint) -> bool {
let s1 = fmt!("%u", n);
let mut sv1 : ~[u8] = from_fn(s1.len(), |i| s1[i]);
let s2 = fmt!("%u", m);
let mut sv2 : ~[u8] = from_fn(s2.len(), |i| s2[i]);
sv1 == sv2
fn main() {
let mut bestr = 10.0;
let bignum = 100000;
for range(2, bignum) |n| {
let t = totient(n);
if(are_permutations(n, t)){
let r = (n as float)/(t as float);
if(r < bestr){
println(fmt!("%u -> %u , %?", n, t, r));
bestr = r;
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