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Wai Phyo Naing waiphyo285

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MySQL 8.0 Installation on Ubuntu 24.04

Step 1. Update Package Index

sudo apt update

Step 2. Install MySQL 8.0

Installing NVM

Installing NVM (Node Version Manager) by downloading and running a script

curl -o- | bash

Warning: Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm

Setup Nginx with SSL for Domain Proxy on Ubuntu

This guide explains how to install Nginx on Ubuntu, configure it to proxy a domain to localhost:3000, and set up SSL using Certbot for HTTPS encryption.

Step 1: Update Your Package Index

First, ensure that your package index is up to date:

sudo apt update

Setting Up MongoDB Authentication

Step 1: Update MongoDB Config File

Open the mongod.conf file in a text editor with superuser privileges. You can use nano, vim, or any other text editor of your choice. Here’s how to do it with nano:

sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf