Users are stored in the users table of the mysql database.
MySQL "show users" - how to show/list the users in a MySQL database
mysql> CREATE USER 'finley'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'finley'@'localhost'
mysql> CREATE USER 'finley'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'finley'@'%'
mysql> CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin_pass';
mysql> GRANT RELOAD,PROCESS ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost';
mysql> CREATE USER 'dummy'@'localhost';
mysql> CREATE USER 'custom'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'obscure';
-> ON bankaccount.*
-> TO 'custom'@'localhost';
mysql> CREATE USER 'custom'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'obscure';
-> ON expenses.*
-> TO 'custom'@'';
mysql> CREATE USER 'custom'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'obscure';
-> ON customer.*
-> TO 'custom'@'';
Show the list of users:
select host, user, password, select_priv, delete_priv from user;
daniel@mycomputer:~$ mysql -u daniel -p -h localhost test
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 63
Server version: 10.1.4-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep-log binary distribution, wsrep_25.10.r4144
$ mysql --user=finley --password=password db_name
$ mysql -u finley -ppassword db_name
Apparently you can reset the root password on MariaDB to blank by logging in without access to tables. This confounds me becuase if you could reset it... wouldn't it be insecure? I think the idea is to only allow the system root user access to the mysql root password so that you have to be logged in as a system administrator to log into mysql as root.
Article1 about resetting root password Article2 about resetting root password
mysql -uroot -p banks_development < ~/Downloads/banks_development.sql
mysql -e 'SHOW STATUS WHERE variable_name LIKE "Threads_%" OR variable_name = "Connections"'
mysqladmin extended-status | grep Threads && mysqladmin processlist
$ mysqladmin extended-status | grep Threads
| Threads_cached | 0 |
| Threads_connected | 3 |
| Threads_created | 1399 |
| Threads_running | 1 |
$ mysqladmin processlist
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Progress |
| 1356 | root | localhost | banks_development | Sleep | 265153 | | | 0.000 |
| 1594 | root | localhost | regdata_development | Sleep | 589 | | | 0.000 |
| 1630 | wkotzan | localhost | | Query | 0 | init | show processlist | 0.000 |
You can get the same thing as above using SQL and ActiveRecord:
r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "SHOW status WHERE variable_name LIKE 'conn%' OR variable_name like '%thread%';"
> r.entries
=> [["Connection_errors_accept", "0"],
["Connection_errors_internal", "0"],
["Connection_errors_max_connections", "0"],
["Connection_errors_peer_address", "0"],
["Connection_errors_select", "0"],
["Connection_errors_tcpwrap", "0"],
["Connections", "1646"],
["Delayed_insert_threads", "0"],
["Innodb_master_thread_active_loops", "8710"],
["Innodb_master_thread_idle_loops", "2353950"],
["Performance_schema_thread_classes_lost", "0"],
["Performance_schema_thread_instances_lost", "0"],
["Slow_launch_threads", "0"],
["Threadpool_idle_threads", "0"],
["Threadpool_threads", "0"],
["Threads_cached", "0"],
["Threads_connected", "4"],
["Threads_created", "1644"],
["Threads_running", "1"],
["wsrep_thread_count", "0"]]
> r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute 'SHOW processlist';
(36.6ms) SHOW processlist
> r.entries
=> [[1356, "root", "localhost", "banks_development", "Sleep", 1917, "", nil, 0.0],
[1594, "root", "localhost", "regdata_development", "Sleep", 1702, "", nil, 0.0],
[1635, "root", "localhost", "banks_development", "Sleep", 1885, "", nil, 0.0],
[1641, "root", "localhost", "common_crawl_extractor_development", "Query", 0, "init", "SHOW processlist", 0.0]]
SELECT connection_id();
From Rails:
> r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "SELECT connection_id();"
(22.9ms) SELECT connection_id();
> r.entries
=> [[1641]]
KILL CONNECTION <connection_id>
mysqldump -u root -p regdata_development line_item_translation_rules > line_item_translation_rules.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p --add-drop-table banks_production fi_app_metadata > /mnt/mysql/dump/fi_app_metadata.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p --where="processing_run_id=46" banks_production fi_app_metadata > /mnt/mysql/dump/fi_app_metadata.sql
SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name", sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema ;
SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 /
1024 "Data Base Size in MB",
sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
GROUP BY table_schema ;
SELECT table_schema "DB Name",
Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB"
FROM information_schema.tables
GROUP BY table_schema;
table_name AS `Table`,
round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB`
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = "regdata_development"
AND table_name IN ("ffiec_line_items", "fts_line_items", "fts_span_line_items");
SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_ROWS FROM `information_schema`.`tables`
WHERE `table_schema` = 'YOUR_DB_NAME';
MariaDB [regdata_development]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%dir%'
-> ;
| Variable_name | Value |
| aria_sync_log_dir | NEWFILE |
| basedir | /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.1.17 |
| binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates | OFF |
| character_sets_dir | /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.1.17/share/mysql/charsets/ |
| datadir | /usr/local/var/mysql/ |
| ignore_db_dirs | |
| innodb_data_home_dir | |
| innodb_log_arch_dir | ./ |
| innodb_log_group_home_dir | ./ |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | 75.000000 |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm | 0.001000 |
| innodb_tmpdir | |
| innodb_undo_directory | . |
| lc_messages_dir | |
| plugin_dir | /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.1.17/lib/plugin/ |
| slave_load_tmpdir | /var/folders/j0/16g0mm8506n123wd4pwt8nmc0000gn/T/ |
| tmpdir | /var/folders/j0/16g0mm8506n123wd4pwt8nmc0000gn/T/ |
| wsrep_data_home_dir | /usr/local/var/mysql/ |
| wsrep_dirty_reads | OFF |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Post-install message