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Last active December 20, 2018 18:10
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  • Save waldyrious/805d6357fa0b55135354ea4b996e0818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save waldyrious/805d6357fa0b55135354ea4b996e0818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple shell client for tldr pages
# shellcheck disable=SC2002
# 1) Put this file into your local clone of git://
# curl -L -o path/to/tldr-repo/
# 2) Mark it as executable:
# chmod +x path/to/tldr-repo/
# 3) symlink it into /usr/local/bin:
# sudo ln -s /absolute/path/to/tldr-repo/ /usr/local/bin/tldr
if [[ -z "${command_args// }" ]];
$0 tldr # If no parameters are passed, default to the "" page
# HTTP redirection status code 303 = See Other.
# This will actually exit with error code 47, because exit codes are modulo 256.
exit 303;
# Merge multiple arguments into a single hyphenated argument
command=${command_args// /-}
heading=$(printf '=%.0s' $(seq 1 "$len"))
# Convert the local platorm name to tldr's version.
# (Copied from
get_platform() {
case $(uname -s) in
Darwin) echo "osx" ;;
Linux) echo "linux" ;;
SunOS) echo "sunos" ;;
*) echo "common" ;;
# Define a way to get this script's absolute path,
# since realpath() is not universally available (e.g. on macOS)
# source:
script_abspath=$(perl -e 'use Cwd "abs_path"; print abs_path(@ARGV[0])' -- "$0")
# Change to the git repository's root
cd "$(dirname "$script_abspath")" || {
echo "Error: couldn't enter the tldr directory.";
# HTTP client error status code 502 = Bad Gateway
# (This script received an invalid response from an upstream resource it needed to fulfill the request.)
# This will actually exit with error code 246, because exit codes are modulo 256.
exit 502;
if [[ "${command_args}" == "--update" ]]
echo "Updating local tldr-pages repository..."
git pull --rebase >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0;
# If the local clone is more than a day old, update before proceeding.
find .git/FETCH_HEAD -mtime -7 2>/dev/null | grep FETCH_HEAD >/dev/null || {
echo -e "Local tldr-pages repository last updated over a week ago; auto-updating...\n";
git pull --rebase >/dev/null 2>&1;
cd pages || {
echo "Error: couldn't enter the pages directory";
# See comment above about error code 502.
exit 502;
# Look for a page in the platform-specific folder
if [ -f "$platform/$" ]
echo; # newline
cat "$platform/$" | \
sed -E -e "s/^# (.+)/\1º${heading}/" | tr 'º' '\n' | \
sed -E -e "s/^- (.+)/\1/" | \
sed -E -e "s/^\`(.+)\`/ \1/"
#pandoc -s -f markdown -t plain "$platform/$"
# Look for a page in the common folder
elif [ -f "common/$" ]
echo; # newline
cat "common/$" | \
sed -E -e "s/^# (.+)/\1º${heading}/" | tr 'º' '\n' | \
sed -E -e "s/^- (.+)/\1/" | \
sed -E -e "s/^\`(.+)\`/ \1/"
#pandoc -s -f markdown -t plain "common/$"
else # No page was found, so list pages whose names start
echo "No page was found for the '$*' command. Did you spell it right?"
candidates=$(find common "$platform" -name "$command*" | sed -e "s|.*/||" -e "s|.md||")
if [[ $candidates ]]
echo -n "Maybe you meant one of these: "
echo "$candidates" | xargs | sed 's/ /, /g'
echo -e "\nOtherwise, you could contribute the '$' page! See \033[36m\033[0m."
# HTTP client error status code 404 = Not Found.
# This will actually exit with error code 148, because exit codes are modulo 256.
exit 404
Copy link

TODO: perhaps calls to external commands (uname, perl...) could be replaced with pure-bash alternatives -- see for an alternative to uname; not sure if realpath is replacable in (concise) pure bash code.

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