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Created September 21, 2014 00:31
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The differences between JavaScript function declarations and function expressions (and why variable hoisting is the reason for these differences).
// JavaScript code is run in two passes, the first pass
// does all the function declarations and determines the
// variables. The second pass actually executes your code.
// Example 1: Function Declaration
// Function declarations will always work because
// declarations are determined on the first pass and when
// you actually call the function is performed on the
// second pass.
function foo() {
console.log('Foo ran!');
// This works because the function declaration is always
// handled on the first pass. The interpreter runs this
// code as if you would have done:
function foo() {
console.log('Foo ran!');
// Example 2: Function Expression
// Function expressions will not always work, because the
// variable holding that function may be undefined. To truly
// understand this, we must first understand variable hoisting.
// Because JavaScript runs in two passes, all variable
// assignments are essentially "lifted" to the top of the
// current scope. For example:
console.log('This is a message.');
var msg = 'Blah blah blah';
// When JavaScript actually runs this code, the first pass
// discovers the variables then the code is run. So it's actually
// interpreted like this:
var msg;
console.log('This is a message.');
msg = 'Blah blah blah';
// And ths is why function expressions will not always execute
// whereas function declaration always will. Because when you write
// this code:
var foo = function() {
console.log('Running foo');
// It's actually being interpreted like this:
var foo;
foo(); // At this point, foo is "undefined"
foo = function() {
console.log('Running foo');
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Yes - a clear example of variable hoisting - well done - thank you :)

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yuranos commented Jun 30, 2016

Good one! Thanks!

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