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Last active October 7, 2024 08:44
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  • Save walkerdb/08187fff6d2defee0891923c0b97c332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This codemod migrates usage of default exports to named exports instead
See migrate-default-exports-to-named-exports.test.js for before/after examples.
export const parser = 'tsx';
const generateNamedExportDeclaration = (jscodeshift, inlineDefaultExport, filePath) => {
const declarationType = inlineDefaultExport.node.declaration.type;
if (declarationType === 'FunctionDeclaration' || declarationType === 'ClassDeclaration') {
return jscodeshift.exportNamedDeclaration(inlineDefaultExport.node.declaration);
const dynamicExportName = filePath.split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
const exportName = jscodeshift.identifier(dynamicExportName);
return jscodeshift.exportNamedDeclaration(
jscodeshift.variableDeclaration('const', [
jscodeshift.variableDeclarator(exportName, inlineDefaultExport.node.declaration),
function migrateDefaultExports(source, jscodeshift, filePath) {
if (filePath.includes('.story.') || filePath.includes('.stories.')) {
// migrate inline default exports, giving them an export name of the filename
.find(jscodeshift.ExportDefaultDeclaration, (t) => t.declaration.type !== 'Identifier')
.replaceWith((inlineDefaultExport) => generateNamedExportDeclaration(jscodeshift, inlineDefaultExport, filePath));
// migrate default exports that just reference a variable
.find(jscodeshift.ExportDefaultDeclaration, { declaration: { type: 'Identifier' } })
.forEach((defaultExport) => {
const constThatWasBeingDefaultExported =;
const filter = { id: { name: constThatWasBeingDefaultExported } };
// remove the old default export
// check if it's already being exported as a const
if (source.find(jscodeshift.ExportNamedDeclaration, { declaration: { declarations: [filter] } }).length) {
// check if it's already being exported as a function or a class
if (source.find(jscodeshift.ExportNamedDeclaration, { declaration: filter }).length) {
// update original declarations with export keyword
const namedExportGenerator = (original) => jscodeshift.exportNamedDeclaration(original.node);
source.find(jscodeshift.VariableDeclaration, { declarations: [filter] }).replaceWith(namedExportGenerator);
source.find(jscodeshift.FunctionDeclaration, filter).replaceWith(namedExportGenerator);
function migrateExportDefaultAsStatements(source, jscodeshift) {
// delete manual type exports since they'll be covered by next change in this chain
.find(jscodeshift.ExportNamedDeclaration, {
exportKind: 'type',
source: { type: 'StringLiteral' },
.forEach((typeExport) => typeExport.prune());
// migrate "export { default as SomeName } from './thing'" to "export * from './thing'"
.find(jscodeshift.ExportNamedDeclaration, {
specifiers: [{ type: 'ExportSpecifier', local: { name: 'default' } }],
.forEach((t) => t.replace(jscodeshift.exportAllDeclaration(t.value.source, null)));
const filetypesToIgnore = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.md'];
function migrateDefaultImports(source, jscodeshift) {
source.find(jscodeshift.ImportDefaultSpecifier).forEach((defaultImport) => {
const importPath = defaultImport.parent.value.source.value;
if (importPath.includes('./') && !filetypesToIgnore.some((filetype) => importPath.endsWith(filetype))) {
defaultImport.replace(jscodeshift.importSpecifier(defaultImport.value.local, null));
export default function transformer(file, api) {
const { jscodeshift } = api;
const source = jscodeshift.withParser(parser)(file.source);
migrateDefaultExports(source, jscodeshift, file.path);
migrateDefaultImports(source, jscodeshift);
migrateExportDefaultAsStatements(source, jscodeshift);
return source.toSource();
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