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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Save walkerdb/425205aa53c1701ea020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
def is_same_entity(local_term, lc_term, controlaccess_type):
if "geogname" in controlaccess_type:
# geognames are a simple check. Returns true if the
# similarity is > 95; else false
similarity = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(local_term, lc_term)
return similarity > 95
elif "corpname" in controlaccess_type:
# replace some common abbreviations with their full forms
local_term = local_term.replace("U.S.", "United States")
lc_term = lc_term.replace("U.S.", "United States")
local_term = local_term.replace("N.Y.", "New York")
lc_term = lc_term.replace("N.Y.", "New York")
# custom checks for compound corpnames (separated by a ". ")
# if it's not a compound name, it does a "WRatio" comparison,
# which is essentially a kitchen-sink method that does every
# type of comparison fuzzywuzzy is capable of, and returns the
# highest resulting value.
if "." in local_term.strip("."):
similarity = fuzz.ratio(local_term, lc_term)
similarity = fuzz.WRatio(local_term, lc_term)
return similarity >= 90
elif "persname" in controlaccess_type:
# The persname check performs a normal fuzz comparison,
# but also explicitly compares birth and death dates,
# adding a bias to the fuzz score based on those results
bias = 0
# regex for extracting birth and death dates
date_regex = r"(\d{4})\-((?:\d{4})?)"
# using the regex to grab dates from the local and lc terms
local_dates = re.findall(date_regex, local_term)
lc_dates = re.findall(date_regex, lc_term)
# date comparison code
# only runs if both the local and lc terms contain dates
if len(local_dates) > 0 and len(lc_dates) > 0:
# set local and lc birth and death dates
birthdate_local, deathdate_local = local_dates[0]
birthdate_lc, deathdate_lc = lc_dates[0]
# if birthdates don't match it's definitely the wrong person
if birthdate_local != birthdate_lc:
bias -= 100
# if all the dates match, it's definitely the same person
if birthdate_local == birthdate_lc and deathdate_local == deathdate_lc:
bias += 100
# If the local and lc birthdates match, but the lc has a
# deathdate and we do not, then it's likely the case that
# our term just needs to be updated. We'll add a bit of bias
# and remove the LC death date just for comparison purposes
if birthdate_local == birthdate_lc and deathdate_lc and not deathdate_local:
lc_term = lc_term.replace(deathdate_lc, "")
bias += 25
# similarity is the fuzz ratio plus the bias calculated above
similarity = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(local_term, lc_term) + bias
return similarity >= 95
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