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Drinking tea

Matt Walker walkermatt

Drinking tea
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walkermatt /
Created February 17, 2025 12:22
Reading and writing a UTF-8 encoded XML file with Python ElementTree

Reading and writing a UTF-8 encoded XML file with Python ElementTree

I've found reading and writing a UTF-8 encoded XML file with Python ElementTree harder than expected so I thought I'd pull together this demo.

The trick is to open the source and destination files with an explicit encoding instead of relying on ElementTree.parse and ElementTree.write.

walkermatt /
Last active January 27, 2025 10:52
Naïve Quicksort implementation in Python
walkermatt /
Last active January 16, 2025 09:57
Load ES module in a html page

Load ES module in a html page

Place the files in a directory. Serve the files via a web server such as the built-in python http server. Open index.html in your browser, open the DevTools Console and reload.

walkermatt / main.js
Created February 2, 2024 10:21
Parse a directory of nginx access logs to get a list of referer values
import { Parser } from '@robojones/nginx-log-parser';
import fs from 'fs';
import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import zlib from 'zlib';
import readline from 'readline';
import path from 'path';
async function* processFile(filePath, filter) {
const extension = path.extname(filePath);
let readStream;
walkermatt /
Last active September 12, 2023 09:24
Note from FOSS4G UK 2023 "Ten Years After" talk

FOSS4G 2013 - Ten Years After

Matt Walker [email protected],


Improved availability and visibility

  • Open data
    • OSM founded almost 10 years prior to FOSS4G 2013
  • Wide adoption; Humanitarian OSM (
walkermatt / testutil.sql
Last active July 30, 2023 15:17
Postgres testing utilities
-- Raises an exception with `failure_message` if `sql_text` does not throw an exception at all.
-- If an exception is thrown but it's SQLSTATE doesn't match `expected_sql_state` then that
-- exception is RE-RAISED
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.test__throws_exception(sql_text text, expected_sql_state text, failure_message text) RETURNS void AS $$
sql_state text;
EXECUTE sql_text;
RAISE EXCEPTION '%', failure_message;
walkermatt /
Last active May 9, 2023 15:44
Example of requesting JSON data from a URL and converting to CSV

Download a JSON list of object and write to CSV

Requires Python 3.



python3 /tmp/cities.csv
walkermatt /
Last active October 30, 2023 13:57
Chalice Dev AWS IAM Policy

Chalice Dev AWS IAM Policy

AWS IAM Policy suitable for assigning to a user developing Chalice applications. Allows the developer sucessfully execute chalice deploy, chalice delete and chalice logs

Derived from comments on chalice/issues/59, extended by trial and error :-)

Subsitute YOUR-AWS-REGION in chalice-dev-iam-policy.json with the region you are deploying to, for example eu-west-1.

AWS profiles

walkermatt /
Last active January 13, 2021 12:36
Talk on small contributions to open source software, testing, automated builds etc.

The day the build broke 😔

The tale of a broken build and breaking changes...

And so the story begins...

  • ol-ishare is built automatically each time a change is committed to the repository
    • Formatting of source code is checked (linting)