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Created November 4, 2016 17:43
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provides a classes for easy routing with python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
class NotMatchingException(Exception):
This class represente a route
class Route(object):
def __init__(self, pattern, action, name=None, verbs=("GET", "HEAD")):
self._pattern = str(pattern)
self._compiledPattern = re.compile(self._pattern)
self._name = name
if not callable(action):
raise TypeError("Argument 'action' must be callable")
self._action = action
if type(verbs) is tuple:
self.verbs = verbs
elif type(verbs) in [str, unicode]:
self.verbs = (verbs,)
raise TypeError("Argument 'verbs must be tuple or str, %s given" % type(verbs))
def name(self):
return self._name
def pattern(self):
return self._pattern
def compiledPattern(self):
return self._compiledPattern
def action(self):
return self._action
def argumentsFromUri(self, uri):
if self._compiledPattern.groups == 0:
return []
args =
return filter(None, args)
This class allows you to group multiple routes used in your application.
With it you can get an action by a certain uri
class Router(object):
def __init__(self):
self._routes = []
self.autoDelimit = True
def addRoute(self, route):
if not type(route) is Route:
raise TypeError("argument 'route' must be %s" % Route.__name__)
return self
def filterByUri(self, uri):
routes = []
for route in self._routes:
if re.match(route.pattern(), uri):
return routes
def findByUri(self, uri):
for route in self._routes:
if route.compiledPattern().match(uri):
return route
return None
def createRoute(self, pattern, action, name=None, verbs=("GET", "HEAD")):
if self.autoDelimit:
pattern = r"^/?{0}/?$".format(pattern.strip("/"))
route = Route(pattern, action, name, verbs)
return route
def get(self, pattern, action, name=None):
return self.createRoute(pattern, action, name, ("GET", "HEAD"))
def post(self, pattern, action, name=None):
return self.createRoute(pattern, action, name, "POST")
def put(self, pattern, action, name=None):
return self.createRoute(pattern, action, name, "PUT")
def __call__(self, pattern, name=None, verbs="GET"):
def addRoute(action):
return self.createRoute(pattern, action, name, verbs)
return addRoute
def callFromUri(self, uri):
route = self.findByUri(uri)
if route is None:
raise NotMatchingException("Route not found")
args = route.argumentsFromUri(uri)
return route.action()(*args)
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