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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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A hypothetical server-side javascript blog-making file.
var fs = require('fs'),
_ = require('underscore'),
markdown = require('markdown').markdown,
tinymake = require('tinymake');
// all posts are .md (markdown files)
var posts = _.filter(fs.readDirSync('posts'), function(name){
return name.match(/\.md$/)
var pages = [];
// setup target to build entire blog
tinymake.file (
'blog', // target
pages // source
// targets with no build rule are synthetic
// make('blog') means make all of blog's pages
function Markdown2HTML(htmlFile, markdownFiles){
var mdContent = fs.readFileSync( markdownFiles[0], 'utf8' ),
htmlContent = markdown.toHTML(mdContent);
fs.writeFileSync(htmlFile, htmlContent, {encoding: 'utf8'});
// setup targets for each .md to be turned into a .html file
_.forEach(posts, function(post){
// posts/ => blogPost.html
var page = post
.replace(/\.md$/, '.html')
.replace(/posts\//, '');
page, // target
[post], // source
Markdown2HTML // how to build target from source
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