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wandergis wandergis

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<title>Mapbox GL JS debug page</title>
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body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
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wandergis /
Created March 25, 2020 02:34 — forked from dreampiggy/
ffmpeg MOV to Animated WebP
ffmpeg -i -vcodec libwebp -lossless 1 -q:60 -preset default -loop 0 -an -vsync 0 output.webp
wandergis / three-clone-gltf.js
Created October 10, 2019 08:17 — forked from cdata/three-clone-gltf.js
A quick hack to clone a Three.js GLTF scene without re-loading or re-parsing the source.
const cloneGltf = (gltf) => {
const clone = {
animations: gltf.animations,
scene: gltf.scene.clone(true)
const skinnedMeshes = {};
gltf.scene.traverse(node => {
if (node.isSkinnedMesh) {