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Created October 29, 2015 05:19
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* Generic hashmap manipulation functions
* SEE:
#ifndef __HASHMAP_H__
#define __HASHMAP_H__
#define MAP_MISSING -3 /* No such element */
#define MAP_FULL -2 /* Hashmap is full */
#define MAP_OMEM -1 /* Out of Memory */
#define MAP_OK 0 /* OK */
* any_t is a pointer. This allows you to put arbitrary structures in
* the hashmap.
typedef void *any_t;
* PFany is a pointer to a function that can take two any_t arguments
* and return an integer. Returns status code..
typedef int (*PFany)(any_t, any_t);
* map_t is a pointer to an internally maintained data structure.
* Clients of this package do not need to know how hashmaps are
* represented. They see and manipulate only map_t's.
typedef any_t map_t;
* Return an empty hashmap. Returns NULL if empty.
extern map_t hashmap_new();
* Iteratively call f with argument (item, data) for
* each element data in the hashmap. The function must
* return a map status code. If it returns anything other
* than MAP_OK the traversal is terminated. f must
* not reenter any hashmap functions, or deadlock may arise.
extern int hashmap_iterate(map_t in, PFany f, any_t item);
* Add an element to the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_OMEM.
extern int hashmap_put(map_t in, int key, any_t value);
* Get an element from the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
extern int hashmap_get(map_t in, int key, any_t *arg);
* Remove an element from the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
extern int hashmap_remove(map_t in, int key);
* Get any element. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
* remove - should the element be removed from the hashmap
extern int hashmap_get_one(map_t in, any_t *arg, int remove);
* Free the hashmap
extern void hashmap_free(map_t in);
* Get the current size of a hashmap
extern int hashmap_length(map_t in);
#endif __HASHMAP_H__
* Generic map implementation. This class is thread-safe.
* free() must be invoked when only one thread has access to the hashmap.
#include < stdlib.h >
#include < stdio.h >
#include < minithreads/hashmap.h >
#include < minithreads/synch.h >
#define INITIAL_SIZE 1024
// We need to keep keys and values
typedef struct _hashmap_element{
int key;
int in_use;
any_t data;
} hashmap_element;
// A hashmap has some maximum size and current size,
// as well as the data to hold.
typedef struct _hashmap_map{
int table_size;
int size;
hashmap_element *data;
semaphore_t lock;
} hashmap_map;
* Return an empty hashmap, or NULL on failure.
map_t hashmap_new() {
hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) malloc(sizeof(hashmap_map));
if(!m) goto err;
m->data = (hashmap_element*) calloc(INITIAL_SIZE, sizeof(hashmap_element));
if(!m->data) goto err;
m->lock = (semaphore_t) semaphore_create();
if(!m->lock) goto err;
semaphore_initialize(m->lock, 1);
m->table_size = INITIAL_SIZE;
m->size = 0;
return m;
if (m)
return NULL;
* Hashing function for an integer
unsigned int hashmap_hash_int(hashmap_map * m, unsigned int key){
/* Robert Jenkins' 32 bit Mix Function */
key += (key << 12);
key ^= (key >> 22);
key += (key << 4);
key ^= (key >> 9);
key += (key << 10);
key ^= (key >> 2);
key += (key << 7);
key ^= (key >> 12);
/* Knuth's Multiplicative Method */
key = (key >> 3) * 2654435761;
return key % m->table_size;
* Return the integer of the location in data
* to store the point to the item, or MAP_FULL.
int hashmap_hash(map_t in, int key){
int curr;
int i;
/* Cast the hashmap */
hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map *) in;
/* If full, return immediately */
if(m->size == m->table_size) return MAP_FULL;
/* Find the best index */
curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
/* Linear probling */
for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++){
if(m->data[curr].in_use == 0)
return curr;
if(m->data[curr].key == key && m->data[curr].in_use == 1)
return curr;
curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
return MAP_FULL;
* Doubles the size of the hashmap, and rehashes all the elements
int hashmap_rehash(map_t in){
int i;
int old_size;
hashmap_element* curr;
/* Setup the new elements */
hashmap_map *m = (hashmap_map *) in;
hashmap_element* temp = (hashmap_element *)
calloc(2 * m->table_size, sizeof(hashmap_element));
if(!temp) return MAP_OMEM;
/* Update the array */
curr = m->data;
m->data = temp;
/* Update the size */
old_size = m->table_size;
m->table_size = 2 * m->table_size;
m->size = 0;
/* Rehash the elements */
for(i = 0; i < old_size; i++){
int status = hashmap_put(m, curr[i].key, curr[i].data);
if (status != MAP_OK)
return status;
return MAP_OK;
* Add a pointer to the hashmap with some key
int hashmap_put(map_t in, int key, any_t value){
int index;
hashmap_map* m;
/* Cast the hashmap */
m = (hashmap_map *) in;
/* Lock for concurrency */
/* Find a place to put our value */
index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
while(index == MAP_FULL){
if (hashmap_rehash(in) == MAP_OMEM) {
return MAP_OMEM;
index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
/* Set the data */
m->data[index].data = value;
m->data[index].key = key;
m->data[index].in_use = 1;
/* Unlock */
return MAP_OK;
* Get your pointer out of the hashmap with a key
int hashmap_get(map_t in, int key, any_t *arg){
int curr;
int i;
hashmap_map* m;
/* Cast the hashmap */
m = (hashmap_map *) in;
/* Lock for concurrency */
/* Find data location */
curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
/* Linear probing, if necessary */
for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++){
if(m->data[curr].key == key && m->data[curr].in_use == 1){
*arg = (int *) (m->data[curr].data);
return MAP_OK;
curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
*arg = NULL;
/* Unlock */
/* Not found */
* Get a random element from the hashmap
int hashmap_get_one(map_t in, any_t *arg, int remove){
int i;
hashmap_map* m;
/* Cast the hashmap */
m = (hashmap_map *) in;
/* On empty hashmap return immediately */
if (hashmap_length(m) <= 0)
/* Lock for concurrency */
/* Linear probing */
for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++)
if(m->data[i].in_use != 0){
*arg = (any_t) (m->data[i].data);
if (remove) {
m->data[i].in_use = 0;
return MAP_OK;
/* Unlock */
return MAP_OK;
* Iterate the function parameter over each element in the hashmap. The
* additional any_t argument is passed to the function as its first
* argument and the hashmap element is the second.
int hashmap_iterate(map_t in, PFany f, any_t item) {
int i;
/* Cast the hashmap */
hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) in;
/* On empty hashmap, return immediately */
if (hashmap_length(m) <= 0)
/* Lock for concurrency */
/* Linear probing */
for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++)
if(m->data[i].in_use != 0) {
any_t data = (any_t) (m->data[i].data);
int status = f(item, data);
if (status != MAP_OK) {
return status;
/* Unlock */
return MAP_OK;
* Remove an element with that key from the map
int hashmap_remove(map_t in, int key){
int i;
int curr;
hashmap_map* m;
/* Cast the hashmap */
m = (hashmap_map *) in;
/* Lock for concurrency */
/* Find key */
curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
/* Linear probing, if necessary */
for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++){
if(m->data[curr].key == key && m->data[curr].in_use == 1){
/* Blank out the fields */
m->data[curr].in_use = 0;
m->data[curr].data = NULL;
m->data[curr].key = 0;
/* Reduce the size */
return MAP_OK;
curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
/* Unlock */
/* Data not found */
/* Deallocate the hashmap */
void hashmap_free(map_t in){
hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) in;
/* Return the length of the hashmap */
int hashmap_length(map_t in){
hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map *) in;
if(m != NULL) return m->size;
else return 0;
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