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Created June 3, 2024 13:01
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An Umbraco V14+ script to help scaffold files for an Umbraco Package Development
## Setup of an Umbraco V14+ project with Vite, TypeScript & Lit
## Author: Warren Buckley
## if project name is not provided, ask for it
if (-not $ProjectName) {
$ProjectName = Read-Host "Enter a project name"
## Variables
$ProjectName = $ProjectName.Replace(" ", ".")
$ProjectNameLower = $ProjectName.ToLower()
$WebsiteProjectName = $ProjectName + '.Website'
$WebsiteProjectCSProj = $WebsiteProjectName + '.csproj'
$RCLProjectName = $ProjectName
$RCLProjectCSProj = $RCLProjectName + '.csproj'
$ClientProjectName = $ProjectName + '.Client'
## Folder Paths
$RootFolder = $PSScriptRoot
$WebsiteProjectPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $WebsiteProjectName
$WebsiteCSProjPath = Join-Path -Path $WebsiteProjectPath -ChildPath $WebsiteProjectCSProj
$RCLProjectPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $RCLProjectName
$RCLCSProjPath = Join-Path -Path $RCLProjectPath -ChildPath $RCLProjectCSProj
$ClientProjectPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $ClientProjectName
## LETS GO !!
## Create a default gitignore file
dotnet new gitignore
## Create a new solution
dotnet new sln -n $ProjectName
## Install Umbraco Templates
dotnet new install Umbraco.Templates
## Create a new project that is a website
dotnet new umbraco -n $WebsiteProjectName
## Create the RCL project for the C# and clienside stuff
dotnet new umbracopackage-rcl -n $ProjectName
## Add the website project to the solution
dotnet sln add $WebsiteCSProjPath
## Add the RCL project to the solution
dotnet sln add $RCLCSProjPath
## Delete the wwwroot/umbraco-package.json file
## The Vite setup will add this file from the client folder stuff
Remove-Item -Path "$RCLProjectPath/wwwroot/umbraco-package.json"
## Add the RCL project to the Website project as a project reference
dotnet add $WebsiteCSProjPath reference $RCLCSProjPath
## Create Vite TypeScript & Lit setup
## For vite to be happy it needs to be lowercase
npx create-vite@latest $ClientProjectName.ToLower() --template lit-ts
## Delete the files from vite setup we dont need
Remove-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/public/vite.svg"
Remove-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/src/assets" -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/src/index.css"
Remove-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/src/my-element.ts"
Remove-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/index.html"
## create vite.config.ts
$ViteConfig = @"
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
export default defineConfig({
build: {
lib: {
entry: "src/index.ts", // Entrypoint file (registers other manifests)
formats: ["es"],
fileName: "$ProjectNameLower",
outDir: "../$RCLProjectName/wwwroot", // your web component will be saved to the RCL project location and the RCL sets the path as App_Plugins/$ProjectName
emptyOutDir: true,
sourcemap: true,
rollupOptions: {
external: [/^@umbraco/],
$ViteConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $ClientProjectPath -ChildPath "vite.config.ts"
$ViteConfig | Out-File -FilePath $ViteConfigPath -Encoding utf8
## create umbraco-package.json
$UmbracoPackageJson = @"
"`$schema": "../../$WebsiteProjectName/umbraco-package-schema.json",
"id": "$ProjectNameLower",
"name": "$ProjectName",
"allowPackageTelemetry": true,
"version": "1.0.0",
"extensions": [
"name": "$ProjectName EntryPoint",
"alias": "$ProjectNameLower.entrypoint",
"type": "backofficeEntryPoint",
"js": "/app_plugins/$RCLProjectName/$ProjectNameLower.js"
$UmbracoPackageJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $ClientProjectPath -ChildPath "/public/umbraco-package.json"
$UmbracoPackageJson | Out-File -FilePath $UmbracoPackageJsonPath -Encoding utf8
## inside src folder create index.ts
## Its an entrypoint file to register manifests
$IndexTs = @"
import { UmbEntryPointOnInit } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/extension-api';
export const onInit: UmbEntryPointOnInit = (_host, _extensionRegistry) => {
console.log('Hello from $ProjectName!');
// We can register many manifests at once via code
// as opposed to a long umbraco-package.json file
// _extensionRegistry.registerMany([
// ...entityActionManifests,
// ...modalManifests
// ]);
$IndexTsPath = Join-Path -Path $ClientProjectPath -ChildPath "src/index.ts"
$IndexTs | Out-File -FilePath $IndexTsPath -Encoding utf8
## Add .vscode folder and recommended lit extension
New-Item -Path "$ClientProjectPath/.vscode" -ItemType Directory
$ExtensionsJson = @"
"recommendations": [
$ExtensionsJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $ClientProjectPath -ChildPath ".vscode/extensions.json"
$ExtensionsJson | Out-File -FilePath $ExtensionsJsonPath -Encoding utf8
## update package.json scripts section
## Remove 'dev' and 'preview' scripts
## Add 'watch' script with 'vite build --watch'
$PackageJsonPath = Join-Path -Path $ClientProjectPath -ChildPath "package.json"
$PackageJson = Get-Content -Path $PackageJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$PackageJson.scripts | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "watch" -Value "vite build --watch" -Force
$PackageJson | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $PackageJsonPath -Encoding utf8
## Change directory to JS proj
Set-Location -Path $ClientProjectPath
## Need to run 'npm install --save-dev @umbraco-cms/backoffice'
npm install --save-dev @umbraco-cms/backoffice
## Compile the TS to JS & it will copy it out to the RCL project in the wwwroot folder
npm run build
## Build the VS solution (building will generate the JSON schema for umbraco-package.json that we reference)
Set-Location -Path $RootFolder
dotnet build
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