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Created August 18, 2014 07:08
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Save waruqi/4bc690e3748832dad9b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a spider demo using asio
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* includes
#include "../demo.h"
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* macros
// the spider url maxn
#define TB_DEMO_SPIDER_URL_MAXN (4096)
// the spider task maxn
// the spider task rate, 256KB/s
#define TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_RATE (256000)
// the spider task timeout, 15s
// the spider filter maxn
// the spider user agent
#define TB_DEMO_SPIDER_USER_AGENT "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36"
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* types
// the demo spider type
typedef struct __tb_demo_spider_t
// the pool
tb_fixed_pool_ref_t pool;
// the lock
tb_spinlock_t lock;
// the filter
tb_bloom_filter_ref_t filter;
// the state
tb_atomic_t state;
// the option
tb_option_ref_t option;
// the home
tb_url_t home;
// only home website?
tb_bool_t home_only;
// the home domain
tb_char_t home_domain[64];
// the root
tb_char_t root[256];
// the timeout
tb_long_t timeout;
// the user agent
tb_char_t const* user_agent;
// the limited rate
tb_size_t limited_rate;
// the ourl
tb_char_t ourl[TB_DEMO_SPIDER_URL_MAXN];
// the demo spider parser type
typedef struct __tb_demo_spider_parser_t
// the stream
tb_stream_ref_t stream;
// the reader
tb_xml_reader_ref_t reader;
// the cache
tb_circle_queue_ref_t cache;
// the iurl
tb_url_t iurl;
// the demo spider task type
typedef struct __tb_demo_spider_task_t
// the pool
tb_demo_spider_t* spider;
// the iurl
tb_char_t iurl[TB_DEMO_SPIDER_URL_MAXN];
// the ourl
tb_char_t ourl[TB_DEMO_SPIDER_URL_MAXN];
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* globals
static tb_option_item_t g_options[] =
{'t', "timeout", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL, TB_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER, "set the timeout" }
, {'d', "directory", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL, TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR, "set the root directory" }
, {'u', "agent", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL, TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR, "set the user agent" }
, {'r', "rate", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY_VAL, TB_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER, "set limited rate" }
, {'h', "help", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY, TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, "display this help and exit" }
, {'o', "only", TB_OPTION_MODE_KEY, TB_OPTION_TYPE_BOOL, "only this home website" }
, {'-', "home", TB_OPTION_MODE_VAL, TB_OPTION_TYPE_CSTR, "the home url" }
, {'-', tb_null, TB_OPTION_MODE_END, TB_OPTION_TYPE_NONE, tb_null }
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* declaration
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_task_exit(tb_demo_spider_task_t* task);
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_task_done(tb_demo_spider_t* spider, tb_char_t const* iurl, tb_bool_t* full);
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* implementation
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_parser_open_html(tb_stream_ref_t stream, tb_char_t const* url)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(stream && url, tb_false);
// done
tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
// find the .suffix
tb_char_t const* p = tb_strrchr(url, '.');
if (p)
// not html?
tb_check_break ( tb_stricmp(p, ".css")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".js")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".png")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".jpg")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".gif")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".ico")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".bmp")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".mp4")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".mp3")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".flv")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".avi")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".exe")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".msi")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".zip")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".rar")
&& tb_stricmp(p, ".7z"));
// ctrl stream
if (!tb_stream_ctrl(stream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_URL, url)) break;
// open stream
if (!tb_stream_open(stream)) break;
// the stream size
tb_hong_t size = tb_stream_size(stream);
// prefetch some data
tb_byte_t* data = tb_null;
tb_size_t need = tb_min((tb_size_t)size, 256);
if (!tb_stream_need(stream, &data, need)) break;
// is html?
if (tb_strnistr((tb_char_t const*)data, need, "<!DOCTYPE html>"))
ok = tb_true;
// is html?
ok = tb_strnistr((tb_char_t const*)data, need, "<html")? tb_true : tb_false;
} while (0);
// failed?
if (!ok)
// clos stream
if (stream) tb_stream_clos(stream);
// ok?
return ok;
static tb_size_t tb_demo_spider_parser_get_url(tb_xml_reader_ref_t reader, tb_url_t* url)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(reader && url, tb_false);
// done
tb_size_t ok = 0;
tb_size_t event = TB_XML_READER_EVENT_NONE;
while (!ok && (event = tb_xml_reader_next(reader)))
switch (event)
// the element name
tb_char_t const* name = tb_xml_reader_element(reader);
// <a href="" />?
// <link href="" />
// <img src="" />?
// <script src="" />?
// <source src="" />?
// <frame src="" />?
if ( !tb_stricmp(name, "a")
|| !tb_stricmp(name, "link")
|| !tb_stricmp(name, "img")
|| !tb_stricmp(name, "frame")
|| !tb_stricmp(name, "source"))
// walk attributes
tb_xml_node_ref_t attr = (tb_xml_node_ref_t)tb_xml_reader_attributes(reader);
for (; attr; attr = attr->next)
// href or src?
if ( tb_string_size(&attr->data)
&& ( !tb_string_cstricmp(&attr->name, "href")
|| !tb_string_cstricmp(&attr->name, "src")))
// the url protocol
tb_size_t protocol = tb_url_protocol_probe(tb_string_cstr(&attr->data));
// http?
if(protocol == TB_URL_PROTOCOL_HTTP)
// save url
ok = tb_url_set(url, tb_string_cstr(&attr->data));
// file?
else if (protocol == TB_URL_PROTOCOL_FILE)
// save path
tb_url_path_set(url, tb_string_cstr(&attr->data));
// ok
ok = tb_true;
// ok?
return ok;
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_parser_exit(tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t worker, tb_cpointer_t priv)
// check
tb_demo_spider_parser_t* parser = (tb_demo_spider_parser_t*)priv;
// exit stream
if (parser->stream) tb_stream_exit(parser->stream);
parser->stream = tb_null;
// exit reader
if (parser->reader) tb_xml_reader_exit(parser->reader);
parser->reader = tb_null;
// exit cache
if (parser->cache) tb_circle_queue_exit(parser->cache);
parser->cache = tb_null;
// exit iurl
// exit it
static tb_demo_spider_parser_t* tb_demo_spider_parser_init(tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t worker)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(worker, tb_null);
// done
tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
tb_demo_spider_parser_t* parser = tb_null;
// attempt to get the parser
parser = (tb_demo_spider_parser_t*)tb_thread_pool_worker_getp(worker, 0);
if (!parser)
// make parser
parser = tb_malloc0_type(tb_demo_spider_parser_t);
// save parser
tb_thread_pool_worker_setp(worker, 0, tb_demo_spider_parser_exit, (tb_cpointer_t)parser);
// init stream
parser->stream = tb_stream_init_file();
// init reader
parser->reader = tb_xml_reader_init();
// init cache
parser->cache = tb_circle_queue_init(255, tb_item_func_str(tb_true));
// init iurl
if (!tb_url_init(&parser->iurl)) break;
// ok
ok = tb_true;
} while (0);
// failed?
if (!ok)
// exit it
if (parser) tb_demo_spider_parser_exit(worker, (tb_cpointer_t)parser);
parser = tb_null;
// ok
return parser;
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_parser_task_done(tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t worker, tb_cpointer_t priv)
// check
tb_demo_spider_task_t* task = (tb_demo_spider_task_t*)priv;
tb_assert_and_check_return(worker && task && task->spider);
// init parser
tb_demo_spider_parser_t* parser = tb_demo_spider_parser_init(worker);
tb_assert_and_check_return(parser && parser->stream && parser->reader && parser->cache);
// open stream
if (tb_demo_spider_parser_open_html(parser->stream, task->ourl))
// open reader
if (tb_xml_reader_open(parser->reader, parser->stream, tb_false))
// trace
tb_trace_d("parser: open: %s", task->ourl);
// init url
tb_url_set(&parser->iurl, task->iurl);
// parse url
while ( TB_STATE_OK == tb_atomic_get(&task->spider->state)
&& tb_demo_spider_parser_get_url(parser->reader, &parser->iurl))
// trace
tb_trace_d("parser: done: %s", tb_url_get(&parser->iurl));
// done task
tb_bool_t full = tb_false;
if (!tb_demo_spider_task_done(task->spider, tb_url_get(&parser->iurl), &full))
// full?
// cache url
if (!tb_circle_queue_full(parser->cache)) tb_circle_queue_put(parser->cache, tb_url_get(&parser->iurl));
// trace
tb_trace_d("parser: cache: save: %s, size: %lu", tb_url_get(&parser->iurl), tb_circle_queue_size(parser->cache));
// clos reader
// clos stream
// done task from the cache
while (!tb_circle_queue_null(parser->cache))
// the url
tb_char_t const* url = (tb_char_t const*)tb_circle_queue_get(parser->cache);
// done task
if (!tb_demo_spider_task_done(task->spider, url, tb_null)) break;
// trace
tb_trace_d("parser: cache: load: %s, size: %lu", url, tb_circle_queue_size(parser->cache));
// pop it
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_parser_task_exit(tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t worker, tb_cpointer_t priv)
// check
tb_demo_spider_task_t* task = (tb_demo_spider_task_t*)priv;
tb_assert_and_check_return(worker && task);
// exit task
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_make_ourl(tb_demo_spider_t* spider, tb_char_t const* url, tb_char_t* data, tb_size_t maxn)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(spider && url && data && maxn, tb_false);
// skip protocol
tb_char_t* p = (tb_char_t*)url;
if (!tb_strnicmp(p, "http://", 7)) p += 7;
else if (!tb_strnicmp(p, "https://", 8)) p += 8;
// skip space
while (*p && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;
// format ourl
tb_long_t n = tb_snprintf(data, maxn, "%s/%s", spider->root, p);
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(n > 0 && n < maxn, tb_false);
// no root? append '/'
if (!tb_strchr(p, '/') && !tb_strchr(p, '\\')) data[n++] = '/';
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(n < maxn, tb_false);
// '\\' => '/'
if (data[n - 1] == '/') data[n - 1] = '/';
// directory? append index.html
if (data[n - 1] == '/') n += tb_snprintf(data + n, maxn - n, "%s", "index.html");
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(n > 0 && n < maxn, tb_false);
// end
data[n] = '\0';
// replace '?' => '_'
p = data;
while (*p)
// replace
if (*p == '?') *p = '_';
// next
// trace
tb_trace_d("make: %s => %s", url, data);
// ok?
return n > 0? tb_true : tb_false;
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_task_exit(tb_demo_spider_task_t* task)
// check
// the spider
tb_demo_spider_t* spider = task->spider;
// trace
tb_trace_d("task: exit: %s", task->iurl);
// enter
// exit task
if (spider->pool) tb_fixed_pool_free(spider->pool, task);
// leave
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_task_save(tb_size_t state, tb_hize_t offset, tb_hong_t size, tb_hize_t save, tb_size_t rate, tb_cpointer_t priv)
// check
tb_demo_spider_task_t* task = (tb_demo_spider_task_t*)priv;
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(task && task->spider, tb_false);
// percent
tb_size_t percent = 0;
if (size > 0) percent = (tb_size_t)((offset * 100) / size);
else if (state == TB_STATE_OK) percent = 100;
// trace
tb_trace_d("save[%s]: %llu, rate: %lu bytes/s, percent: %lu%%, state: %s", task->iurl, save, rate, percent, tb_state_cstr(state));
// ok? continue it
tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
if (state == TB_STATE_OK) ok = tb_true;
// closed?
else if (state == TB_STATE_CLOSED && TB_STATE_OK == tb_atomic_get(&task->spider->state))
// trace
tb_trace_i("task: done: %s: ok", task->iurl);
// post parser task
tb_thread_pool_task_post(tb_thread_pool(), "parser_task", tb_demo_spider_parser_task_done, tb_demo_spider_parser_task_exit, task, tb_false);
// failed or killed?
// trace
tb_trace_e("task: done: %s: %s", task->iurl, tb_state_cstr(state));
// exit task
// break or continue?
return ok;
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_task_ctrl(tb_async_stream_ref_t istream, tb_async_stream_ref_t ostream, tb_cpointer_t priv)
// check
tb_demo_spider_task_t* task = (tb_demo_spider_task_t*)priv;
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(task && task->spider, tb_false);
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(istream && ostream, tb_false);
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(tb_async_stream_type(istream) == TB_STREAM_TYPE_HTTP, tb_false);
// the url
tb_char_t const* url = tb_null;
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_GET_URL, &url)) return tb_false;
// trace
tb_trace_d("ctrl: %s: ..", url);
// set timeout
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT, task->spider->timeout)) return tb_false;
// need gzip
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate")) return tb_false;
// auto unzip
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_AUTO_UNZIP, 1)) return tb_false;
// user agent
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_HEAD, "User-Agent", task->spider->user_agent)) return tb_false;
// enable cookies
if (!tb_async_stream_ctrl(istream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_HTTP_SET_COOKIES, tb_cookies())) return tb_false;
// ok
return tb_true;
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_task_done(tb_demo_spider_t* spider, tb_char_t const* iurl, tb_bool_t* full)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(spider && iurl, tb_false);
// killed?
tb_check_return_val(TB_STATE_OK == tb_atomic_get(&spider->state), tb_false);
// only for home?
if (spider->home_only && !tb_stristr(iurl, spider->home_domain))
// trace
tb_trace_d("task: done: %s: skip", iurl);
return tb_true;
// enter
// done
tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
tb_size_t size = 0;
tb_demo_spider_task_t* task = tb_null;
tb_bool_t repeat = tb_false;
// check
tb_assert_and_check_break(spider->filter && spider->pool);
// the task count
size = tb_fixed_pool_size(spider->pool);
// make the output url
if (!tb_demo_spider_make_ourl(spider, iurl, spider->ourl, sizeof(spider->ourl) - 1)) break;
// have been done already?
if (!tb_bloom_filter_set(spider->filter, spider->ourl))
// trace
tb_trace_d("task: size: %lu, done: %s: repeat", size, iurl);
// ok
ok = tb_true;
repeat = tb_true;
// trace
tb_trace_d("task: size: %lu, done: %s: ..", size, iurl);
// full?
tb_check_break(size < TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_MAXN);
// make task
task = (tb_demo_spider_task_t*)tb_fixed_pool_malloc0(spider->pool);
// init task
task->spider = spider;
tb_strlcpy(task->iurl, iurl, sizeof(task->iurl) - 1);
tb_strlcpy(task->ourl, spider->ourl, sizeof(task->ourl) - 1);
// ok
ok = tb_true;
} while (0);
// leave
// ok?
if (ok && !repeat)
// done
ok = tb_false;
// check
// killed?
tb_check_break(TB_STATE_OK == tb_atomic_get(&spider->state));
// repeat?
if (tb_file_info(task->ourl, tb_null))
// trace
tb_trace_d("task: size: %lu, done: %s: repeat", size, iurl);
// ok
ok = tb_true;
repeat = tb_true;
// done task
ok = tb_transfer_pool_done(tb_transfer_pool(), task->iurl, task->ourl, 0, spider->limited_rate, tb_demo_spider_task_save, tb_demo_spider_task_ctrl, task);
} while (0);
// repeat or failed?
if (repeat || !ok)
// exit task
if (task) tb_demo_spider_task_exit(task);
task = tb_null;
// failed?
if (!ok)
// trace
tb_trace_e("task: size: %lu, done: %s: post failed", size, iurl);
// save full
if (full) *full = size < TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_MAXN? tb_false : tb_true;
// ok?
return ok;
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_init(tb_demo_spider_t* spider, tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
// check
tb_assert_and_check_return_val(spider && argc && argv, tb_false);
// done
tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
// init option
spider->option = tb_option_init("spider", "the spider demo", g_options);
// done option
if (!tb_option_done(spider->option, argc - 1, &argv[1])) break;
// check
tb_assert_and_check_break(tb_option_find(spider->option, "home"));
// init home
if (!tb_url_init(&spider->home)) break;
tb_url_set(&spider->home, tb_option_item_cstr(spider->option, "home"));
tb_trace_d("home: %s", tb_url_get(&spider->home));
// init only home?
if (tb_option_find(spider->option, "only"))
spider->home_only = tb_option_item_bool(spider->option, "only");
// init root
tb_char_t const* root = tb_option_item_cstr(spider->option, "directory");
// init user agent
spider->user_agent = tb_option_item_cstr(spider->option, "agent");
// init timeout
if (tb_option_find(spider->option, "timeout"))
spider->timeout = tb_option_item_sint32(spider->option, "timeout");
// init limited rate
if (tb_option_find(spider->option, "rate"))
spider->limited_rate = tb_option_item_uint32(spider->option, "rate");
// check
// init home
if (!tb_url_init(&spider->home)) break;
spider->home = argv[1]? argv[1] : tb_null;
tb_trace_d("home: %s", tb_url_get(&spider->home));
// init root
tb_char_t const* root = argv[2];
// the home host
tb_char_t const* host = tb_url_host_get(&spider->home);
// init home domain
tb_char_t const* domain = tb_strchr(host, '.');
if (domain)
tb_strlcpy(spider->home_domain, domain, sizeof(spider->home_domain) - 1);
spider->home_domain[sizeof(spider->home_domain) - 1] = '\0';
// using the default root
if (root) tb_strlcpy(spider->root, root, sizeof(spider->root) - 1);
// the temporary root
tb_directory_temp(spider->root, sizeof(spider->root) - 1);
// append spider
tb_strcat(spider->root, "/spider");
tb_trace_d("root: %s", spider->root);
// using the default user agent
if (!spider->user_agent) spider->user_agent = TB_DEMO_SPIDER_USER_AGENT;
// using the default timeout
if (!spider->timeout) spider->timeout = TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_TIMEOUT;
// using the default rate
if (!spider->limited_rate) spider->limited_rate = TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_RATE;
// strip root tail: '/' or '\\'
tb_size_t size = tb_strlen(spider->root);
if (size && (spider->root[size - 1] == '/' || spider->root[size - 1] == '\\')) spider->root[size - 1] = '\0';
// init state
spider->state = TB_STATE_OK;
// init lock
if (!tb_spinlock_init(&spider->lock)) break;
// init pool
spider->pool = tb_fixed_pool_init(tb_null, TB_DEMO_SPIDER_TASK_MAXN >> 2, sizeof(tb_demo_spider_task_t), tb_null, tb_null, tb_null);
// init filter
spider->filter = tb_bloom_filter_init(TB_BLOOM_FILTER_PROBABILITY_0_001, 3, TB_DEMO_SPIDER_FILTER_MAXN, tb_item_func_str(tb_true));
// register lock profiler
tb_lock_profiler_register(tb_lock_profiler(), (tb_pointer_t)&spider->lock, "spider");
// ok
ok = tb_true;
} while (0);
// failed? help it
if (!ok && spider->option) tb_option_help(spider->option);
// ok?
return ok;
static tb_void_t tb_demo_spider_exit(tb_demo_spider_t* spider)
// check
// trace
tb_trace_d("exit: ..");
// kill it
tb_atomic_set(&spider->state, TB_STATE_KILLING);
// kill all transfer tasks
// kill all parser tasks
// wait all transfer tasks exiting
tb_transfer_pool_wait_all(tb_transfer_pool(), -1);
// wait all parser tasks exiting
tb_thread_pool_task_wait_all(tb_thread_pool(), -1);
// enter
// exit filter
if (spider->filter) tb_bloom_filter_exit(spider->filter);
spider->filter = tb_null;
// exit pool
if (spider->pool) tb_fixed_pool_exit(spider->pool);
spider->pool = tb_null;
// leave
// exit lock
// exit home
// exit option
if (spider->option) tb_option_exit(spider->option);
spider->option = tb_null;
// trace
tb_trace_d("exit: ok");
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* main
tb_int_t tb_demo_network_spider_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
// done
tb_demo_spider_t spider = {0};
// init spider
if (!tb_demo_spider_init(&spider, argc, argv)) break;
// done the home task if exists
tb_demo_spider_task_done(&spider, tb_url_get(&spider.home), tb_null);
// wait
} while (0);
// exit spider
// end
return 0;
tb_int_t tb_demo_network_spider_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
return 0;
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