Given a set of 20 test scores (each score being out of 100), you are to determine the grade of each score (A,B,C,D, or E).
You then need find number of the scores of each grade as a percentage of the total number of scores e.g. if there are 5 test scores with a grade of B, then this would be 25%.
Finally, you are to display these percentages in the form of a block graph, where each 1% is represented by an asterisk e.g.:
A | ******************** (20.00%)
B | ****************************** (30.00%)
C | *********************************** (35.00%)
D | ********** (10.00%)
E | ***** (5.00%)
The test scores are stored in the following array:
int scores [20] = { 78, 34, 45, 66, 95, 56, 68, 62, 65, 77, 59, 50, 48, 58, 60, 78, 64, 72, 64, 55 };
The grading scale for the test scores are as follows:
Grade Score Range
----- -----------
A 77 and above
B 64 - 76
C 50 - 63
D 40 - 49
E 39 and below