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Last active August 26, 2024 18:54
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Lazy loading attributes with python attrs
Example for creating classes with attrs that contain lazy-loaded fields.
import attr
_lazy_fields_container_name = "_lazy_fields"
_lazy_field_metadata_key = "lazy"
_lazy_loader_function_prefix = "lazy_loader__"
def lazy_attrib(**kwargs):
"""Extends attr.ib by adding metadata for handling lazy-loading.
Can be used the same as `attr.ib`, with the same arguments.
metadata = kwargs.pop("metadata", dict())
metadata[_lazy_field_metadata_key] = True
return attr.ib(**kwargs, metadata=metadata)
def _lazy_getattribute(self, name):
"""Special __getattribute__ implementation that checks if the attribute being accessed
is a lazy-loaded field, and if so, takes care of the lazy-loading by invoking the lazy-loader method
# get the lazy field container from the instance
lazy_field_container = object.__getattribute__(self, _lazy_fields_container_name)
if name in lazy_field_container:
# check if lazy loader has already been invoked once
if not lazy_field_container[name]:
# lazy loader not yet invoked, get the lazy loader method
lazy_loader_fuction_name = f"{_lazy_loader_function_prefix}{name}"
lazy_loader_function = object.__getattribute__(self, lazy_loader_fuction_name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
f"No lazy loader method found with name '{lazy_loader_fuction_name}' "
f"for class '{object.__getattribute__(self, '__class__').__name__}'"
) from None
# invoke lazy loader
# indicate that it has been invoked
lazy_field_container[name] = True
# (lazy loader already invoked)
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def create_lazy_fields(cls, fields):
"""Adds a new field for containing lazy attributes:
A mapping between attribute names and a boolean flag that indicates
whether the lazy loader callable has been invoked.
Also, adds a new __getattribute__ method for the class,
that takes care of the lazy loading.
new_fields = [f for f in fields]
# noinspection PyArgumentList
factory=lambda instance: { False
for field in object.__getattribute__(instance, "__attrs_attrs__")
if field.metadata.get(_lazy_field_metadata_key) is not None
setattr(cls, "__getattribute__", _lazy_getattribute)
return new_fields
lazy_loader_invoke_count = 0
class Example:
"""This attrs class is extended with the `create_lazy_fields` field_transformer, that
takes care of handling lazy attributes
# this is a noral field
normal_field = attr.ib()
# this field is to be lazy-loaded
lazy_field = lazy_attrib(default=0)
def lazy_loader__lazy_field(self):
"""This method must be implemented with this name so that lazy loading is performed."""
global lazy_loader_invoke_count
self.lazy_field = 42
lazy_loader_invoke_count += 1
inst1 = Example(normal_field=1)
assert inst1.normal_field == 1
# check default value of lazy field
assert object.__getattribute__(inst1, "lazy_field") == 0
# lazy loading will take place at this attribute access
assert inst1.lazy_field == 42
# lazy loading has already been performed, won't be called now
assert inst1.lazy_field == 42
inst2 = Example(normal_field=2)
assert inst2.normal_field == 2
assert inst2.lazy_field == 42
assert inst2.lazy_field == 42
assert lazy_loader_invoke_count == 2
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