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Last active December 4, 2020 18:01
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Group arrays by key using Array.prototype.reduce in Javascript
* Groups an array of objects by a key an returns an object or array grouped by provided key.
* @param array - array to group objects by key.
* @param key - key to group array objects by.
* @param removeKey - remove the key and it's value from the resulting object.
* @param outputType - type of structure the output should be contained in.
const groupBy = (
removeKey = false,
outputType = {},
) => {
return inputArray.reduce(
(previous, current) => {
// Get the current value that matches the input key and remove the key value for it.
const {
[key]: keyValue
} = current;
// remove the key if option is set
removeKey && keyValue && delete current[key];
// If there is already an array for the user provided key use it else default to an empty array.
const {
[keyValue]: reducedValue = []
} = previous;
// Create a new object and return that merges the previous with the current object
return Object.assign(previous, {
[keyValue]: reducedValue.concat(current)
// Replace the object here to an array to change output object to an array
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