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robbmanes / watch-unix-socket.stp
Last active October 17, 2024 07:43
Systemtap script to watch UNIX socket input
* watch_unix_socket.stp
* This is a simply more modern version of the script found here:
* The first argument is the location of the file descriptor for a UNIX socket.
* To find this address, for example, for the Docker socket run:
* # lsof 2>&1 | awk '/docker.sock/ {print $7}' | grep -v '0t0' | sort -u
Flush 5
Daemon Off
Log_Level info
Parsers_File /etc/fluent-bit/parsers.conf
Name Tail
Path /mnt/data/docker/containers/*/*.log
Path_Key file
djoreilly /
Last active January 30, 2025 19:13
OVS cheat sheet


ovs-vsctl list open_vswitch
ovs-vsctl list interface
ovs-vsctl list interface vxlan-ac000344
ovs-vsctl --columns=options list interface vxlan-ac000344
ovs-vsctl --columns=ofport,name list Interface
ovs-vsctl --columns=ofport,name --format=table list Interface
ovs-vsctl -f csv --no-heading --columns=_uuid list controller
ovs-vsctl -f csv --no-heading -d bare --columns=other_config list port
rikukissa /
Last active June 12, 2024 02:39
Unit testing Angular.js app with node.js, mocha, angular-mocks and jsdom #angular.js #testing
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Unit testing Angular.js app with node.js, mocha, angular-mocks and jsdom
Majority of search result about unit testing Angular.js apps is about how to do it by using test frameworks that run the tests in a real browser. Even though it's great to be able to test your code in multiple platforms, in my opinion it creates a lot of boilerplate code and makes it hard to run the tests in, for instance a CI-server.

Testing Angular.js app headlessly with node.js + mocha

Lean unit tests with minimal setup

eduardocardoso / gist:82a629882ddb02ab3677
Last active April 3, 2023 08:23
Script to delete exited containers and untagged/unused images from docker
set -o errexit
echo "Removing exited docker containers..."
docker ps -a -f status=exited -q | xargs -r docker rm -v
echo "Removing dangling images..."
docker images --no-trunc -q -f dangling=true | xargs -r docker rmi
kmark / de64.php
Created August 15, 2014 21:14
Recursively removes the base64 "encryption" on some obfuscated PHP files. First and only CLI parameter is the path to the encoded file.
/* Works on targets that are in this format:
* <?php $FirstVar = 'base64here'; $SecondVar = '$ThirdVar = base64_decode($FirstVar); eval($ThirdVar);'; eval($SecondVar); ?>
* Where the result of the base64_decode is more PHP that follows the above format.
$target = $argc < 2 ? "" : $argv[1];
if($target === "" || !file_exists($target)) {
feng92f / gist:2849163
Created June 1, 2012 05:37 — forked from zythum/gist:2848881
cdown / gist:1163649
Last active November 17, 2024 21:46
Bash urlencode and urldecode
urlencode() {
# urlencode <string>
local length="${#1}"
for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do
local c="${1:$i:1}"
case $c in