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Created February 22, 2017 13:01
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[*] FIND
- Depth
$ find . -maxdepth 1
- Find and then copy (exec)
$ ... -exec cp {} /home/caine/etccopy/ \;
- Size:
c (bytes)
k (kilobytes)
M (MB)
G (GB)
- Size:
smaller than X bytes => $ ... -10240c
bigger than X bytes => $ ... +10240c
exactly X bytes => $ ... 10240c
- Owned by
$ ... -user caine
- Group
$ ... -group groupname
- Permissions
$ ... -perm 664
[*] GREP
- Searches in contents of a file.
- Uses Regex with -E
$ grep -E expression file
- CAse insensitive
- Print 3 lines
$ head/tail -3 file
[*] HEAD
[*] WC
chars => --chars
lines => -l
words => -w
- Chmod - letters: The change is one or more of 'ugo', then '+-=',
then zero or more of 'rwx'
- Chmod - numeric:
4 = r(Read)
3 = w(Write)
1 = x(eXecute)
[3] MD5 / CMP
[*] MD5SUM
$ md5sum filename
- Hash Collisions
• If two files have different hash values then they are definitely not
• If two files have the same hash values then they are probably
• If two files are different but have the same hash they are referred to as
a hash collision or a false positive.
[*] CMP
$ cmp file1 file2
[4] DD - Data Blocks
[*] DD
- Overwrite block 2 of file2 with block 10 of file1.
$ dd if=file1.dd skip=10 of=file2.dd seek=2 count=1 bs=512 conv=notrunc
START $ dd
FROM if=file1.dd skip=10
TO of=file2.dd seek=2
NUMBER count=1
ALWAYS THE SAME bs=512 conv=notrunc
[*] XXD
- Open a data block (such as MBR)
$ dd if=file1.dd skip=0 count=1 bs=512 | xxd
- Mount, unmount partitions
$ mount /what /where
$ umount /where
- Read partition structure
$ sfdisk -l -uS /dev/sda
- Mount files
$ losetup /dev/loop0 /file1.dd
[OR] if /file1.dd is a whole disk, and you want to mount partition 1
$ losetup /dev/loop0 /img1.dd –o (sfdisk's Start * 521)
$ mount /dev/loop0 /where -o ro
- Show info
$ losetup -a
- Unmount files
$ umount /dev/loop0
$ losetup -d /dev/loop0
[*] MBR
- Read MBR
$ dd if=image.dd skip=0 count=1 bs=512 | xxd
[*] VBR - Volume Boot Record
- Read VBR
$ dd if=image.dd skip=63 count=1 bs=512 | xxd
[*] MMLS
- Displays the contents of a volume system
$ mmls image.dd
[*] XXD
- View file
$ xxd /bin/ls
- View block
$ dd if=file1.dd skip=0 count=1 bs=512 | xxd
- Binari writing
$ echo -ne "LITTLE ENDIAN" | DEST conv=notrunc bs=1
$ echo -ne "\x65" | dd of=test.dat seek=100 count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc
[6] SORT
- Delimiter (random,15)
- Sort by one kolumn (3 in this case)
-k 3,3
- Same but numeric sort
-k 3n,3n
- Sort by one kolumn and then another (3 and 5 in this case)
-k 3n,5n
- Uniqueness
"?" for a single character
"*" for any number of chars (0 or more)
[abc] match 1 character && must be one of those in the square brackets
"^x" starts with x
"n$" ends with n
"." can match any character
\. to actually look for a dot, escaping char
\[ to actually look for a [, escaping char
{n} repeat pattern n times
- Starting with 'u' and finishing with '.conf'
$ ... 'u*.conf'
- Using dot:
"^a.*z$" abuzz, adz
"^a.z$" adz
'^a*z$' fucks it up and only gives "z" as a result
- Word has ‘a’ then ‘b’ then ‘c’, with 0 or more characters in between
- Three characters where the first character is A
- Three vowels appearing together
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