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Last active December 17, 2015 13:28
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Base View classes for Backbone fundamentals...
# Backbone views
# Handling subviews:
# Basic render strategy:
handlebars_render = (template_name, context) ->
template = App.Handlebars[template_name]
console.log 'Rendering template \'' + template_name + '\''
output = template context
return output
render = handlebars_render
# BasicModelView always updates and is therefore only OK for basic templates
# that are not nested or involving forms.
class BasicModelView extends Backbone.View
render: =>
context =
model: @model.toJSON()
url: @model.url
template_result = render @template, context
# console.log 'BasicModelView : info : rendered "' + template_result + '"'
initialize: =>
@listenTo @model, 'change', @render
class CompositeModelView extends Backbone.View
_rendered: false
render: =>
if @_rendered
# CompositeModelView should not need to render multiple times since it is
# associated with a model and not individual fields
return @
@_rendered = true
context =
model: @model.toJSON()
url: @model.url
template_result = render @template, context
initialize: =>
console.log 'CompositeModelView created'
for binding, view of _.result(@, 'child_views')
@[binding] = if typeof view is 'function' then view() else view
class ModelFieldView extends Backbone.View
get_value: => _.result(@model.toJSON(),
render: =>
value = @options.model.get(
context = {}
context[] = value
template_result = render @options.template, context
initialize: (options) =>
if @options.is_form_field
@listenToOnce @options.model, 'change:' +, @render
@listenTo @options.model, 'change:' +, @render
class BaseCollectionView extends Backbone.View
initialize: (options) =>
if not options.item_view_class
throw 'no child view constructor provided'
@_childViews = []
@collection.each @add
@listenTo @collection, 'add', @add
@listenTo @collection, 'remove', @remove
add: (model) =>
childView = new @options.item_view_class
model: model
@_childViews.push childView
remove: (model) =>
viewToRemove = (_(@_childViews).select (cv) => return cv.model == model )[0]
@_childViews = _(@_childViews).without(viewToRemove)
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