Here is an example sending and receiving messages. The first commands sends two messages. The next receive command receives both messages (but it could have just gotten one of them) and deletes them. The next receive command doesn't get any because there aren't any left in the queue.
The queue name ("test" in my case) and AWS region is hard-coded in this example. I set the queue up manually in AWS beforehand.
> go run connect.go send.go -access_key="MY_ACCESS_KEY" -secret_key="MY_SECRET_KEY"
2014/10/11 22:57:00 Sending test message...
2014/10/11 22:57:00 Message ID: b226dbf4-6cd3-459f-a086-5c95e970308a
2014/10/11 22:57:00
2014/10/11 22:57:00 Sending test message with attributes...
2014/10/11 22:57:01 Message ID: 17080a5d-bc3b-4fc5-bf27-4ea33c7d90d2
> go run connect.go receive.go -access_key="MY_ACCESS_KEY" -secret_key="MY_SECRET_KEY"
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Receiving messages...
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Found 2 messages
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Message 1:
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ID: b226dbf4-6cd3-459f-a086-5c95e970308a
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Body: test message 1
2014/10/11 22:57:02 SenderId: AIDAJLP7HF2SYE44UJFC4
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp: 1413082622932
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ApproximateReceiveCount: 1
2014/10/11 22:57:02 SentTimestamp: 1413082620924
2014/10/11 22:57:02
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Message 2:
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ID: 17080a5d-bc3b-4fc5-bf27-4ea33c7d90d2
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Body: test message with attributes 1
2014/10/11 22:57:02 SenderId: AIDAJLP7HF2SYE44UJFC4
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp: 1413082622940
2014/10/11 22:57:02 ApproximateReceiveCount: 1
2014/10/11 22:57:02 SentTimestamp: 1413082620962
2014/10/11 22:57:02 (String) random_attribute_1: "value 1"
2014/10/11 22:57:02 (String) random_attribute_2: "value 2"
2014/10/11 22:57:02
2014/10/11 22:57:02 Deleting messages...
> go run connect.go receive.go -access_key="MY_ACCESS_KEY" -secret_key="MY_SECRET_KEY"
2014/10/11 22:57:14 Receiving messages...
2014/10/11 22:57:15 Found 0 messages