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Wouter van den Broek wbroek

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{"v":"4.8.0","meta":{"g":"LottieFiles AE 1.0.0","a":"","k":"","d":"","tc":""},"fr":29.9700012207031,"ip":0,"op":36.0000014663101,"w":1080,"h":1000,"nm":"Main","ddd":0,"assets":[{"id":"comp_0","layers":[{"ddd":0,"ind":1,"ty":4,"nm":"main_heart 9","sr":1,"ks":{"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":11},"r":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":[0.667],"y":[1]},"o":{"x":[0.333],"y":[0]},"t":0,"s":[1]},{"t":24.00000097754,"s":[361]}],"ix":10},"p":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.667,"y":1},"o":{"x":0.333,"y":0},"t":0,"s":[540,500,0],"to":[42.333,-58.667,0],"ti":[-42.333,58.667,0]},{"t":24.00000097754,"s":[794,148,0]}],"ix":2},"a":{"a":0,"k":[191.763,170.375,0],"ix":1},"s":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":[0.667,0.667,0.667],"y":[1,1,1]},"o":{"x":[0.333,0.333,0.333],"y":[0,0,0]},"t":0,"s":[25,25,100]},{"t":24.00000097754,"s":[0,0,100]}],"ix":6}},"ao":0,"shapes":[{"ty":"gr","it":[{"ind":0,"ty":"sh","ix":1,"ks":{"a":0,"k":{"i":[[0,0],[29.042,-0.225],[17.08,-13.504],[6.834,-9.562],[9.259,7.24],[21.774,-0.097],[19.64,-21.396],[-0.528,-30.016],[-23.537,-25.374],[-33.95
wbroek / s3-cloudformation-template.json
Last active June 3, 2020 15:07
Amplify Storage S3 bucket public policy
"S3BucketPolicy": {
"Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy",
"Properties": {
"Bucket": {
"Fn::Join": [
{ "Ref": "bucketName" },
"Fn::Select": [
wbroek / fetch-axios-ntlm.js
Last active April 15, 2021 00:11
NTLM authentication with Axios and with none Node JS modules
* Copyright (c) 2019 Wouter van den Broek
* All rights reserved.
const axios = require('axios');
const ntlm = require('./ntlm');
const https = require('https');
const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true });

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am wbroek on github.
  • I am wbroek ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASABlGj6hcBrhNLvjqUJrrFNfYEScgYTf6hZ4nlexSZGKQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

wbroek / .eslintrc
Created April 30, 2018 13:27
ESLint config file
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"extends": "airbnb",
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"react/jsx-filename-extension": [
wbroek / Fastfile
Created January 12, 2018 10:45
HockeyApp lane for Fastlane for Android
default_platform :android
platform :android do
desc "Submit a new Beta Build to Hockey App"
lane :beta do
changelog = "";
if !is_ci?
changelog = prompt(text: "Please enter what's changed in one sentenence: ")
wbroek / Fastfile
Last active October 8, 2019 10:19
HockeyApp lane for Fastlane for iOS
default_platform :ios
platform :ios do
desc "Submit a new Beta Build to Hockey App"
lane :beta do
if !is_ci?
changelog = prompt(text: "Please enter what's changed in one sentenence: ")
wbroek /
Created October 17, 2017 09:30 — forked from nowke/
Retrofit - OkHTTP Connect to Self signed SSL Enabled Server: (Fix for CertPathValidatorException: Trust Anchor for certificate path not found) - Self Signing Client Bulider for Retrofit OkHTTP
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Retrofit retrofit;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
wbroek / tasks.json
Created October 12, 2017 18:20
Visual Studio Code task to start the Android Emulator (for React Native development)
"version": "2.0.0",
"reveal": "silent",
"tasks": [{
"taskName": "Start Android Emulator",
"type": "shell",
"isBackground": true,
"command": "~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator",
"args": [