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Forked from karmi/percolated-twitter.rb
Created January 11, 2012 21:09
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Reversed or “Real Time” Search in ElasticSearch
# Reversed or “Real Time” Search in ElasticSearch
# ====================================================================================
# You may have come across the term “realtime search” lately
# (eg. [here](
# and wondered what all the fuss is about.
# Well, the usual workflow with search engines goes like this:
# 1. You index some documents.
# 2. You perform a search query.
# In [_ElasticSearch_](, there's a default delay
# of 1 second between indexing a document and being able to search it.
# You can, of course, force refresh the index. That's enough “realtime”
# in my book, if you ask me.
# However, _ElasticSearch_ comes with a much more powerful idea for “realtime seach”,
# called [_percolation_](
# It _reverses_ the usual workflow like this:
# 1. You register some queries you'd like to perform in real time, on demand,
# or _while the documents are being indexed_.
# 2. You index some documents.
# The search engine will match your documents against your queries, and return names of matching queries
# in the response. Yes, _names_.
# This allows you to do crazy stuff immediately, _while your documents are being indexed_.
# Think [Google Alerts]( for _your_ data.
# The _Tire_ gem for _ElasticSearch_ recently got
# [percolation support]((
# In this script, we'll register couple of queries, and then fetch data from _Twitter_,
# receiving notifications when any status message matches one of our queries.
# You can download this script at <>.
# First of all, let's install some gems:
# gem install tire ansi yajl-ruby
# Note that you need the 0.1.11 version of the `tire` gem.
require 'rubygems'
require 'time'
require 'uri'
require 'tire'
require 'ansi/code'
require 'yajl/http_stream'
include ANSI::Code
# Let's define a class to hold our data in _ElasticSearch_.
# We're using the _persistence_ mode of _Tire_, so we don't need a database, because
# [_the index is our database_](
class Status
include Tire::Model::Persistence
property :user
property :text
property :created_at
# Let's define callback for percolation.
# Whenewer a new document is saved in the index, this block will be executed,
# and we will have access to matching queries in the `Status#matches` property.
# In our case, we will just print the list of matching queries.
on_percolate do
puts green { "'#{text}' from @#{user} matches queries: #{matches.inspect}" } unless matches.empty?
# Let's register the queries for percolation now.
# First, let's define the query_string queries.
q = {}
q[:newspeak] = 'wow omg lol wtf fuu*'
q[:fail] = 'fail'
q[:memes] = '"why u no" "all your base" "i can has"'
# Second, let's save those queries in _ElasticSearch_.
Status.index.register_percolator_query('newspeak') { |query| query.string q[:newspeak] }
Status.index.register_percolator_query('fails') { |query| query.string q[:fail] }
Status.index.register_percolator_query('memes') { |query| query.string q[:memes] }
puts "", bold { "Testing percolation" }, '-'*80
# Let's check out the percolation on some “example data”.
status = :text => 'OMG i can has #fail'
puts "'#{status.text}' matches queries #{status.percolate.inspect}"
# Now, let's fetch some real data from the collective consciousness.
url = URI.parse("")
puts "", bold { "Fetching '#{url}'" }, '-'*80
5.times do |i|
# Get JSON data from _Twitter_.
Yajl::HttpStream.get(url, :symbolize_keys => true) do |timeline|
timeline.each do |status|
# Create new document from each status message.
# Watch the output from the `on_percolate` callback in your console.
# You may have to run this file repeatedly, in case _Twitter_ gets quiet.
Status.create :id => status[:id],
:user => status[:user][:screen_name],
:text => status[:text],
:created_at => Time.parse(status[:created_at])
puts "Indexed #{timeline.size} tweets"
sleep 10 if i < 4
puts "", bold { "Check out your index" }, '-'*80
# You can check out the the documents in your index with `curl` or your browser.
puts "curl 'http://localhost:9200/statuses/_search?q=*&sort=created_at:desc&size=5&pretty=true'", ""
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