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caseywdunn /
Last active August 10, 2023 18:13
Docker cheat sheet

Docker cheat sheet


Docker is a tool for bundling together applications and their dependencies into images that can than be run as containers on many different types of computers.

Docker and other containerization tools are useful to scientists because:

  • It greatly simplifies distribution and installation of complex work flows that
jorinvo /
Last active November 19, 2024 02:40
This is a little challenge to find out which tools programmers use to get their everyday tasks done quickly.

You got your hands on some data that was leaked from a social network and you want to help the poor people.

Luckily you know a government service to automatically block a list of credit cards.

The service is a little old school though and you have to upload a CSV file in the exact format. The upload fails if the CSV file contains invalid data.

The CSV files should have two columns, Name and Credit Card. Also, it must be named after the following pattern:


holman / emoji_test.rb
Last active June 18, 2020 01:27
A snapshot of the tests we use internally at GitHub to help edit our blog posts before they go out to everybody. For more information, take a peek at
require_relative "test_helper"
require "open-uri"
require "net/http"
class EmojiTest < Blog::Test
def test_no_emoji
posts.each do |post|
content =
refute_match /:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:/, content,
addyosmani / LICENSE.txt
Last active April 8, 2024 20:15 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
Offline Text Editor in < 140 bytes (115 bytes). Powered by localStorage & contentEditable
Copyright (C) 2014 ADDY OSMANI <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
addyosmani /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Polymer resources for FITC

Web Components Can Do That?! extras

Thanks a ton for coming down to my talk, folks <33z. Your energy was amazing. This page has a few extra resources for you.


debasishg / gist:8172796
Last active March 5, 2025 14:11
A collection of links for streaming algorithms and data structures

General Background and Overview

  1. Probabilistic Data Structures for Web Analytics and Data Mining : A great overview of the space of probabilistic data structures and how they are used in approximation algorithm implementation.
  2. Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems
  3. Philippe Flajolet’s contribution to streaming algorithms : A presentation by Jérémie Lumbroso that visits some of the hostorical perspectives and how it all began with Flajolet
  4. Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams by Gurmeet Singh Manku & Rajeev Motwani : One of the early papers on the subject.
  5. [Methods for Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams](;rep=rep1&amp;t
jasonrudolph /
Last active January 3, 2025 03:54
5 entertaining things you can find with the GitHub Search API
afeld / gist:4952991
Last active February 8, 2022 03:13
good APIs for mashups

This list has been superseded by Public APIs. Check there for APIs with Auth: No, HTTPS and CORS Yes.

List of data APIs that require no server-side auth or private credentials, and are thus good for small browser-only JS projects.

desandro /
Created January 31, 2013 20:26
Can you help me understand the benefit of require.js?

I'm having trouble understanding the benefit of require.js. Can you help me out? I imagine other developers have a similar interest.

From Require.js - Why AMD:

The AMD format comes from wanting a module format that was better than today's "write a bunch of script tags with implicit dependencies that you have to manually order"

I don't quite understand why this methodology is so bad. The difficult part is that you have to manually order dependencies. But the benefit is that you don't have an additional layer of abstraction.

klange /
Last active December 23, 2024 14:40
It's a résumé, as a readable and compilable C source file. Since Hacker News got here, this has been updated to be most of my actual résumé. This isn't a serious document, just a concept to annoy people who talk about recruiting and the formats they accept résumés in. It's also relatively representative of my coding style.

Since this is on Hacker News and reddit...

  • No, I don't distribute my résumé like this. A friend of mine made a joke about me being the kind of person who would do this, so I did (the link on that page was added later). My actual résumé is a good bit crazier.
  • I apologize for the use of _t in my types. I spend a lot of time at a level where I can do that; "reserved for system libraries? I am the system libraries".
  • Since people kept complaining, I've fixed the assignments of string literals to non-const char *s.
  • My use of type * name, however, is entirely intentional.
  • If you're using an older compiler, you might have trouble with the anonymous unions and the designated initializers - I think gcc 4.4 requires some extra braces to get them working together. Anything reasonably recent should work fine. Clang and gcc (newer than 4.4, at le