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Created August 7, 2012 01:17
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Sample code for unlocking environments in R
inc <- '
/* This is taken from envir.c in the R 2.15.1 source
#define FRAME_LOCK_MASK (1<<14)
src <- '
if (TYPEOF(env) == NILSXP)
error("use of NULL environment is defunct");
if (TYPEOF(env) != ENVSXP)
error("not an environment");
// Return TRUE if unlocked; FALSE otherwise
SEXP result = PROTECT( Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, 1) );
LOGICAL(result)[0] = FRAME_IS_LOCKED(env) == 0;
return result;
unlockEnvironment <- cfunction(signature(env = "environment"),
includes = inc,
body = src)
unlockEnvironment(new.env()) # TRUE
unlockEnvironment('foo') # error
# TODO: Write proper R wrapper function
# - should return(invisible(TRUE)) if successful, error otherwise.
# - should also check type is environment
# - add 'bindings' option to also unlock bindings
# ============== test unlocking bindings
e <- new.env()
e$x <- 5
e$x # 5
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
e$x <- 6 # ERROR
environmentIsLocked(e) # TRUE
e$y <- 6 # ERROR
bindingIsLocked('x', e) # TRUE
unlockBinding('x', e)
bindingIsLocked('x', e) # FALSE
e$x <- 7 # OK
# Re-lock environment and bindings
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
e$y <- 6 # ERROR
# Run our custom function
unlockEnvironment(e) # TRUE
environmentIsLocked(e) # FALSE
e$y <- 8 # OK
bindingIsLocked('x', e) # TRUE
e$x <- 7 # ERROR
unlockBinding(ls(e, all.names=TRUE), e)
e$x <- 7 # OK
bindingIsLocked('x', e) # FALSE
bindingIsLocked('y', e) # FALSE
e$y <- 8 # OK
e$z <- 9 # OK
# =============== test on a real package
# Modify devtools namespace
# We'll insert a function 'foo()' into the namespace env and package env,
# and also add it to the namespace's exports
# Add something to namespace environment
ns_env <- asNamespace('devtools')
ns_env$foo <- function() {
environment(ns_env$foo) <- ns_env # Set the environment of the function to the namespace
devtools:::foo # prints function, with environment
devtools:::foo() # returns contents of devtools, including non-exported objects
# Add to package environment
pkg_env <- as.environment('package:devtools')
pkg_env$foo <- ns_env$foo
pkg_env$foo # OK
devtools::foo # Error: 'foo' is not an exported object from 'namespace:devtools'
# Add to exports for devtools
export_env <- ns_env$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports
export_env$foo <- c(foo="foo")
devtools::foo # OK
devtools::foo() # returns contents of devtools, including non-exported objects
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Soon it will be is 3 years since that gist, maybe there is some better way? without inline dependency?

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This SO answer looks like an alternative?

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