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Created April 13, 2020 04:24
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multiply bigint by float in JS (spoiler alert: BigInt has no useful functions)
* For a finite normal 64-bit float `f`, extracts integers `sgn`,
* `exponent`, and `mantissa` such that:
* - `sgn` is -1 or +1
* - `exponent` is between -1023 and 1024, inclusive
* - `mantissa` is between 0 and 2^51 - 1, inclusive
* - the number given by `f` equals `sgn * 2^exponent * (1 + mantissa / 2^52)`
* The results are all bigints within the range of safe integers for
* 64-bit floats (i.e., converting them to `Number` is lossless).
* Throws an error if `f` is subnormal (biased exponent is 0).
function decomposeFloat(f: number) {
if (!isFinite(f)) {
throw new Error("Input must be finite: " + f);
const union = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
const littleEndian = true; // arbitrary, but faster when matches native arch
union.setFloat64(0, f, littleEndian);
const bytes = union.getBigUint64(0, littleEndian);
const sgn = (-1n) ** (bytes >> 63n);
const biasedExponent = (bytes & ~(1n << 63n)) >> 52n;
if (biasedExponent === 0n) {
throw new Error("Subnormal floats not supported: " + f);
const exponent = biasedExponent - 1023n;
const mantissa = bytes & ((1n << 52n) - 1n);
return {sgn, exponent, mantissa};
* Multiply an exact bigint by a floating point number.
* This function is exact in the first argument and subject to the usual
* floating point considerations in the second. Thus, it is the case
* that
* multiplyFloat(g, 1) === g
* multiplyFloat(g, x) + multiplyFloat(h, f) === multiplyFloat(g + h, x)
* multiplyFloat(k * g, x) === k * multiplyFloat(g, x)
* for all `BigInt`s `k`, `g`, and `h` and all floats `x`. But it is not
* necessarily the case that
* multiplyFloat(g, x) + multiplyFloat(g, y) === multiplyFloat(g, x + y)
* for all `BigInt`s `g` and floats `x` and `y`: e.g., when `x === 1`
* and `y === 1e-16`, we have `x + y === x` even though `y !== 0`.
export function multiplyFloat(g: BigInt, fac: number): BigInt {
if (fac === 0) {
// Special case, as 0 is subnormal.
return 0n;
const {sgn, exponent, mantissa} = decomposeFloat(fac);
// from `decomposeFloat` contract, `fac = numerator / denominator`
// exactly (in arbitrary-precision arithmetic)
const numerator = sgn * 2n ** (exponent + 1023n) * (2n ** 52n + mantissa);
const denominator = 2n ** (1023n + 52n);
// round to nearest, biasing toward zero on exact tie
return (2n * numerator * g + sgn * denominator) / (2n * denominator);
// Tests and discussion at:
// <>
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Thank you! Here's my version, which primarily fixes the Typescript types by specifying bigint instead of BigInt:

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