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Created August 8, 2010 20:42
a script that collects statistics on perl code to aid in prioritizing while refactoring
### Collecting block statistics
### Average Block Length
### Average Block Size
### Average Block Depth
### Top Ten Longest Blocks
File Line Lines Size Depth Dev.
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 57 294 16570 1 15.81
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 103 287 11540 1 15.44
cgi-bin/update_pipeline.cgi 121 260 7608 1 13.98
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 79 260 15030 2 13.98
cgi-bin/job_process.cgi 46 250 10726 1 13.45
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 91 247 14549 3 13.28
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 33 236 10354 1 12.69
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 120 217 13306 4 11.67
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 134 202 12659 5 10.86
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 140 195 12400 6 10.49
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 27 195 8422 1 10.49
### Top Ten Biggest Blocks
File Line Lines Size Depth Dev.
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 57 294 16570 1 24.70
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 79 260 15030 2 22.40
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 91 247 14549 3 21.69
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 120 217 13306 4 19.83
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 134 202 12659 5 18.87
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 140 195 12400 6 18.48
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 145 189 12138 7 18.09
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 103 287 11540 1 17.20
cgi-bin/job_process.cgi 46 250 10726 1 15.99
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 33 236 10354 1 15.43
cgi-bin/job_process.cgi 98 191 8454 2 12.60
### Top Ten Deepest Located Blocks
File Line Lines Size Depth Dev.
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 189 8 639 12 5.00
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 242 8 617 12 5.00
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 182 5 203 12 5.00
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 167 31 2073 11 4.58
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 238 13 954 11 4.58
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 104 5 330 11 4.58
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 523 5 301 11 4.58
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 234 3 166 11 4.58
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 272 55 3317 10 4.17
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 164 35 2243 10 4.17
lib/Greenphyl/Load/ 228 24 1685 10 4.17
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Grep qw( fgrep fmap fdo );
use PPI;
use Smart::Comments;
use List::Util qw( reduce );
use HTML::Template;
use Term::ProgressBar::Simple;
my @ignore_list = qw(
site/lib/Perl/APIReference site/lib/Bio/MolEvol/
Syntax/Highlight/Engine/Kate site/lib/ExtUtils/XSpp/
sub run
my @files = grep is_not_ignored(), find_code_files();
### Collecting block statistics
my $progress = Term::ProgressBar::Simple->new( progress_config( count => scalar(@files) ) );
my @blocks = map find_subs( $_, sub { $progress->increment; } ), @files;
### Average Block Length
my $avg_length = get_and_say_average( 'line_count', \@blocks );
### Average Block Size
my $avg_size = get_and_say_average( 'size', \@blocks );
### Average Block Depth
my $avg_depth = get_and_say_average( 'indent', \@blocks );
### Top Ten Longest Blocks
print_top_ten_table( 'line_count', $avg_length, \@blocks );
### Top Ten Biggest Blocks
print_top_ten_table( 'size', $avg_size, \@blocks );
### Top Ten Deepest Located Blocks
print_top_ten_table( 'indent', $avg_depth, \@blocks );
sub find_code_files
return File::Find::Rule->file->name( '*.pm', '*.pl', '*.phtml', '*.cgi' )->in('.');
sub progress_config {
my %config = @_;
die "no count given" if !defined $config{count};
$config{ETA} ||= 'linear';
#$config{minor_char} ||= '';
$config{max_update_rate} ||= 0.1;
return \%config;
sub is_not_ignored {
my $ignore = join '|', @ignore_list;
return 1 if !$ignore;
return 0 if $_ =~ m/$ignore/;
return 1;
sub get_and_say_average {
my ( $column, $blocks ) = @_;
my $avg = 1 / @{$blocks} * reduce { $a + $b->{$column} } 0, @{$blocks};
say $avg;
return $avg;
sub print_top_ten_table {
my ( $column, $avg, $blocks ) = @_;
@{$blocks} = sort { $b->{$column} <=> $a->{$column} } @{$blocks};
print_statistics( $avg, $column, @{$blocks} );
sub find_subs
my ( $file, $post_process_hook ) = @_;
my $code = PPI::Document->new($file) || return;
my $blocks = $code->find('PPI::Structure::Block');
$blocks ||= [];
my @block_data = map collect_block_data( $_, $file ), @{$blocks};
return @block_data;
sub collect_block_data {
my ( $block, $file ) = @_;
my @lines = split( '\n', $block->content );
my $location = $block->location;
my $size = length $block->content;
# blocks with only one line are probably just hash accessors and thus irrelevant
# however we want to keep huge examples of those around, just in case they're interesting
return if @lines == 1 and $size < 150;
my %block_data;
$block_data{size} = $size;
$block_data{line_count} = @lines;
$block_data{line} = $location->[0];
$block_data{file} = $file;
$block_data{indent} = first_child_indent( $block, $block_data{line} );
return \%block_data;
sub first_child_indent {
my ( $block, $first_line ) = @_;
my $first_child = $block->find_first( sub { is_indent_relevant_element( @_, $first_line ) } );
# blocks without a child give us the indentation of the first brace, which is not reliable
# so we null the indent to keep them out of the top ten
return 0 if !$first_child;
my $child_loc = $first_child->location;
my $child_indent = int( $child_loc->[1] / 4 );
return $child_indent;
=head2 is_indent_relevant_element
This is an element evaluation routine. It is used by the PPI element finder.
Its return codes mean:
- 1 : return this
- 0 : skip this, look at children
- undef : skip this, ignore children
It instructs the finder to return the first element inside a block that is
relevant in determining the indentation depth of a block.
This means it triggers either either on actual code on the first line; or
anything non-whitespace and non-comment on the following ones.
Brace stacking in the first line is ignored, as well as "sub {"-stacking.
It is slightly complicated by the fact that the location detection for
PPI::Statement objects is broken, which means their children have to be
sub is_indent_relevant_element {
my ( $parent, $element, $first_line ) = @_;
my $class = $element->class;
return 0 if $class eq 'PPI::Statement'; # location detection on these is broken,
return 0 if $class eq 'PPI::Statement::Compound'; # so we need to look at their children
# this is stuff we ignore on the first line
if( $element->location->[0] == $first_line ) {
return 0 if $class eq 'PPI::Structure::Block'; # brace stacking and "sub {"-stacking constructs need to be inspected
return undef if $class eq 'PPI::Token::Structure'; # the braces themselves are skipped
return undef if $class eq 'PPI::Token::Word' and $element->content eq 'sub'; # sub as well
return 1 if $element->significant; # this is an actual significant element, either on first line or later, we take it
return undef; # other sorts of children of the block get ignored, as well as their children
sub print_statistics {
my ( $avg, $column ) = ( shift, shift );
my $template = "A47 A7 A6 A7 A6 A7";
say pack( $template, ' File', ' Line', 'Lines', ' Size', 'Depth', ' Dev.' );
say pack( $template, ('==================================================') x 6 );
print_block_line( $_, $template, $avg, $column ) for @_[ 0 .. 10 ];
sub print_block_line {
my ( $block, $template, $avg, $column ) = @_;
my $file = $block->{file};
my $line = sprintf( "%6d ", $block->{line} );
my $line_count = sprintf( "%5d ", $block->{line_count} );
my $size = sprintf( "%6d ", $block->{size} );
my $indent = sprintf( "%5d ", $block->{indent} );
my $deviation = sprintf( "%7.2f", $block->{$column} / $avg );
if ( length $file > 47 ) {
$file = substr( $file, -43, 43 );
$file = "...$file";
say pack( $template, $file, $line, $line_count, $size, $indent, $deviation );
Code::Statistics::View::Shell -> cstat.db
cstat.db ->
cstat.db -> ?
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