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Created December 6, 2024 18:38
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Adamantine files to try and debug adding a powder layer
import_mesh false ; Use built-in mesh generator
dim 3 ; dimension of the domain
length 1.0e-3 ; [m]
height 1.0e-3 ; [m] In 3D, the third parameters is width
width 1.0e-3
length_divisions 2 ; Number of cell layers in the length direction
height_divisions 2 ; Number of cell layers in the height direction
width_divisions 2
use_powder true
powder_layer 0.5e-3
material_height 1.0e-3
thermal true
mechanical false
type adiabatic ; convective,radiative
n_refinements 0 ; Number of time the cells on the paths of the beams are
; refined
time_steps_between_refinement 100 ; number of time steps after which
; the refinement process is performed
n_materials 1
property_format polynomial
density 7904; [kg/m^3] For now all the states needs to have the same
; density.
specific_heat 714; [J/kg K]
thermal_conductivity_x 31.4 ; [W/m K]
thermal_conductivity_y 31.4 ; [W/m K]
thermal_conductivity_z 31.4 ; [W/m K]
specific_heat 714; [J/kg K]
density 7904; [kg/m^3]
thermal_conductivity_x 0.314 ; [W/m K]
thermal_conductivity_y 0.314 ; [W/m K]
thermal_conductivity_z 0.314 ; [W/m K]
specific_heat 847; [J/kg K]
density 7904; [kg/m^3]
thermal_conductivity_x 37.3 ; [W/m k]
thermal_conductivity_y 37.3 ; [W/m k]
thermal_conductivity_z 37.3 ; [W/m k]
; Not all three states need to define the same properties or to exist
solidus 1675; [K]
liquidus 1708; [K]
latent_heat 290000 ; [J/kg]
n_beams 1
type goldak ; goldak (laser) or electron_beam
depth 0.05e-3 ; [m] maximum depth reached by the laser
diameter 5e-6 ; [m]
scan_path_file debug.txt
scan_path_file_format segment
absorption_efficiency 0.77 ; number between 0 and 1 equivalent to
; energy_conversion_efficiency * control_efficiency
; for an electron beam
max_power 20.0 ; [W], current * voltage for an electron beam
method forward_euler ; Possibilities: backward_euler, implicit_midpoint,
; crank_nicolson, sdirk2, forward_euler, rk_third_order,
; rk_fourth_order
duration 1e-6 ; [s]
time_step 1e-7 ; [s]
filename_prefix output
time_steps_between_output 1
fe_degree 3
quadrature gauss ; Optional parameter. Possibilities: gauss or lobatto
timer false
caliper "spot(profile.mpi),loop-report,runtime-report"
memory_space host ; Always run on the host
Number of path segments
Mode x y z pmod param
1 0.5e-3 0.5e-3 1.0e-3 0 1e-6
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