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Daniel Wheeler wd15

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wd15 /
Created December 6, 2024 18:38
Adamantine files to try and debug adding a powder layer
import_mesh false ; Use built-in mesh generator
dim 3 ; dimension of the domain
length 1.0e-3 ; [m]
height 1.0e-3 ; [m] In 3D, the third parameters is width
width 1.0e-3
length_divisions 2 ; Number of cell layers in the length direction
height_divisions 2 ; Number of cell layers in the height direction
width_divisions 2
crate-directory: crate1
title: "Phase Field Simulation: Homogeneous Nucleation Benchmark No.8a"
description: "An example of generating an ro-crate from a PFHub result, for now this is only focused on the computational platform, environment and implementation"
description: >-
Phase field modeling of nucleation has a long history and is
covered in a number of reviews (Gránásy 2002, Castro 2003, Simmons
2004, Gránásy 2007, Warren 2009, Heo 2014, Gránásy 2019). The
time elastic_free_energy bulk_free_energy gradient_free_energy total_free_energy
0.1 3.1960092957607 5.50418337583582 32.6316167850002 41.3318094565967
0.15 3.15384589098048 6.37432480102649 8.76450884935825 18.2926795413652
0.175 3.13439262479407 6.75062575714681 6.91356034784629 16.7985787297872
0.1875 3.13313650467628 6.79223241580234 6.55124777757963 16.4766166980582
0.2125 3.13046779871152 6.80437895028145 6.4178821164211 16.3527288654141
0.225 3.12767793330717 6.85808214803013 6.16882064285501 16.1545807241923
0.25 3.1260404392239 6.87545236358091 6.06964315449575 16.0711359573006
0.3 3.12357092386077 6.91670698714666 5.88771735738057 15.927995268388
0.325 3.11899850834953 6.98368917635987 5.60388918638035 15.7065768710898
wd15 / 3d-composite-active-learning.png
Last active March 8, 2023 20:24
Images for project web page
wd15 / Total_Energy_vs_time.csv
Created January 13, 2023 18:36
PFHub Data for simulation Spinodal_c
Time Total_Energy
0 31.8836358700855
0.5 31.8780266159218
1 31.8663557314585
1.5 31.8527488083688
2 31.8367198752642
2.5 31.8176605138186
3 31.7947834904883
3.5 31.7670665545969
4 31.7331808031587
time Total_Free_energy
0 319.043839401225
0.1 319.034501426274
0.25 319.006644735946
0.475 318.962852105183
0.8125 318.892140737786
1.31875 318.773283587044
2.078125 318.560187916107
3.2171875 318.134354088041
4.92578125 317.099985315468
wd15 /
Last active March 7, 2022 23:12
Report for CHiMaD 2022

CHiMaD Annular Report - PI Report -- PFHub 2021

Research Accomplishments


PFHub is a community effort spearheaded by the Center for Hierarchical Materials Design at Northwestern University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology in support of phase-field code development. The current PFHub deployment focuses on improving

time_step L2_error
3.600000E-03 2.546636E-04
2.160000E-03 2.500220E-04
1.296000E-03 2.453652E-04
7.776000E-04 2.448922E-04
4.665600E-04 2.447349E-04
2.799360E-04 2.451709E-04
1.679616E-04 2.456623E-04