Analyzing your project via the cljdoc-analyzer locally will ensure that when your project is pushed to clojars, the API docs will have a much better chance of successfully generating.
Install the cljdoc-analyzer.
clojure -Ttools install io.github.cljdoc/cljdoc-analyzer '{:git/tag "RELEASE"}' :as cljdoc
Run the analyzer locally - lein based project.clj example
PROJECT_VERSION=$(awk '/defproject/ {print $3}' project.clj)
clojure -Tcljdoc analyze \
:project '"telegrambot-lib/telegrambot-lib"' \
:version '"${PROJECT_VERSION}"' \
:jarpath '"./target/telegrambot-lib-${PROJECT_VERSION}.jar"' \
:pompath '"./pom.xml"' \
:extra-repo '["clojars"]'
Makefile target example
# Analyze cljdoc api imports locally.
@PROJECT_VERSION=$$(awk '/defproject/ {print $$3}' project.clj | tr -d '"') ; \
clojure -Tcljdoc analyze \
:project '"telegrambot-lib/telegrambot-lib"' \
:version '"'$${PROJECT_VERSION}'"' \
:jarpath '"'./target/telegrambot-lib-$${PROJECT_VERSION}.jar'"' \
:pompath '"./pom.xml"' \
:extra-repo '["clojars"]'