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Created August 22, 2017 06:10
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Output responsive image tags from ACF Image Field
* Output Responsive Image Tag based on ACF Image Field
* @param $image (array) ACF Image Field
* @param $size (string) Image size name (ie. medium, large, my-custom-image-size )
* @param $lazyload (bool) Enable/Disable lazy loading of responsive images (requires lazysizes.js to be loaded — see
* @param $classes (array) Array of class names to apply to the image
* @author Eivind Borgersen for Hyphen
* @version 1.0.2
* @link
function acf_responsive_image( $image,$size,$lazyload = true,$classes ) {
// Get the size data from the ACF Image Field
$data = $image['sizes'];
// Set 'lazyload' class if $lazyload
if( $lazyload )
$classes[] = 'lazyload';
// Set up arrays for size (string), and width (int) data
$sizes = array();
$widths = array();
$heights = array();
$ratio = null;
// Separate data from the ACF Image array
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
if( strpos( $key,'width' ) !== false ) {
// Width values (int)
$widths[] = $value;
} else if( strpos( $key,'height' ) !== false ) {
// Height values (int).
$heights[] = $value;
} else {
// Size names (string)
$sizes[] = $key;
// Get largest size (int) and the array key (int)
if( $size ) {
$w = $data[$size . '-width'];
$h = $data[$size . '-height'];
$wk = array_search( $w,$widths );
} else {
$w = max( $widths );
$wk = array_search( $l,$widths );
$h = $heights[$wk];
// Define the ratio to prevent lazy loading of off-ratio images in the output
$ratio = round( $h / $w,2 ); // Rounding to two decimal points to be able to match the ratio more easily
// Get count of $sizes and $widths (int) to loop through
$cs = count( $sizes );
$cw = count( $widths );
// Set largest image as default src
$src = $data[$sizes[$wk]];
// Markup
// $o_classes Image classes
if(! empty( $classes ) ) {
$o_classes .= 'class="' . join( ' ',$classes ) . '"';
// $o_src Image SRC
if( $lazyload ) {
$o_src = ' data-src="' . $src . '"';
} else {
$o_src .= ' src="' . $src . '"';
// $o_srcst Image SRCSET
if( $lazyload ) {
$o_srcset = ' data-srcset="';
for( $i = 1; $i < $cs; $i++ ) {
if( $widths[$i] <= $w && round( $data[$sizes[$i] . '-height'] / $widths[$i], 2) === $ratio ) {
$o_srcset .= $data[$sizes[$i]] . ' ' . $widths[$i] . 'w';
} else {
if( $i < $cs-1 ) $o_srcset .= ',';
$o_srcset .= '"';
} else {
$o_srcset = 'srcset="';
for( $i = 1; $i < $cs; $i++ ) {
if( $widths[$i] <= $w ) {
$o_srcset .= $data[$sizes[$i]] . ' ' . $widths[$i] . 'w';
} else {
if( $i < $cs-1 ) $o_srcset .= ',';
$o_srcset .= '"';
// $o_sizes Image Sizes
$o_sizes .= 'sizes="(max-width: ' . $w . 'px) 100vw, ' . $w . 'px"';
// $output .= '/>';
// Image Markup
$output = '<img ' . $o_classes . ' ' . $o_src . ' ' . $o_srcset . ' ' . $o_sizes . ' width="' . $w . '" height="' . $h . '" />';
echo $output;
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