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Last active October 20, 2022 18:23
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Weavnet Dotfiles Auto Install Cpio
set -e
# Create CPIO Archive, derivitive of tar script for containers that don't have tar
# extract the lastest tar archive
# find dotfiles-$VERSION -depth -print0 | cpio -ocv0 > /tmp/dotfiles-$VERSION.cpio
# aws s3 cp --acl public-read /tmp/dotfiles-$VERSION.cpio s3://weavenet-public/dotfiles-$VERSION.cpio
# Update version below in this script
echo "Making dotfile directory to '$DIRECTORY'"
mkdir -p $DIRECTORY
echo "Installing bashdot as '$DIRECTORY/bashdot'."
curl -s $url > $DIRECTORY/bashdot
chmod 755 $DIRECTORY/bashdot
echo "Downloading public dotfiles into '$DIRECTORY'."
curl -s --output -$VERSION.cpio | (cd $DIRECTORY && cpio -id)
echo "Installing default profile."
mv dotfiles-$VERSION dotfiles
env WORK_DIR=$DIRECTORY bash bashdot install dotfiles
echo "Dotfiles installed, run '. ~/.bashrc' to source dotfiles."
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